Help With My Marine Tank

As Seffie says, nothing wrong with using sea water if it is pollutant free. For example, I live in the North West, nearst coast is Morcambe Bay, I would not trust that source to be honest but if you have been told about a good source, that is fair enough. I would still test it for nitrates and phosphates though as fertilisers can get into the via run off.

I would probably want to filter the water myself through either UV, diatomaceous earth filter or both before using it.

If it is left stagnant with no movement for more than a day, plankton can start to die which will increase ammonia levels and cause bacterial blooms.

You can store the water in the dark for a few weeks before using then decant or syphon the clear top water off, and discard the detritus.

If you are not having any problems, you probably will not want to do anything like that, if you do start to get any problems, they are options for you to look at.

Yes you are right, collect when the tide is coming in.
Would agree Owl :good: as long as there isn't a dirty great big oil rig there or a sewage pipe :sick: What is the water testing coming out like?

Seffie x

no there is no oil rigs near or sewage pipes and at the harbour i get it from the end of the break water so its quite far from where the boats are although theres no big boats there only small boats.
i dont have a test kit as was told i dont need cos in doing water changes every 2nd day but it might be worth me getting a test kit am i right in saying that the strip ones dont give proper readings.
wow tiggerissey you live near morcambe bay i am origanaly from lancaster and no i wouldnt trust getting water from there either lol but where ive been told is where my lfs gets it from and they use it in there home marine tanks also.

many thanks for the replys ppl

oh those shrimps with the red stripe down there backs will the clown fish not kill them :unsure:
Just reading above...I also have a fijian blue damsel with clowns and the damsel is bottom of the pecking list...damsels are tarred with a bad brush i think...yes many are psychotic, but not all. Many of the so called big guys keep damsels in their mature reefs...on ur the N Ire mod has an sps reef based around skunk clowns and several rarer damsel species....avoid blue devils, humbugs, three spots ,etc.....many other will fit nicely into reef systems. My own fijian blue devil is a little softy compared to it's blue devil cousins....granted larger tanks work best for mixing clown and damsels as a rule, but i'm doing it in a 14 gallon nano.
cleaner shrimp?? no your clownfish should be fine with them and i would strongly advise getting some test kits handy to have although i rarely do tests any more i can do them if something looks wrong
Just reading above...I also have a fijian blue damsel with clowns and the damsel is bottom of the pecking list...damsels are tarred with a bad brush i think...yes many are psychotic, but not all. Many of the so called big guys keep damsels in their mature reefs...on ur the N Ire mod has an sps reef based around skunk clowns and several rarer damsel species....avoid blue devils, humbugs, three spots ,etc.....many other will fit nicely into reef systems. My own fijian blue devil is a little softy compared to it's blue devil cousins....granted larger tanks work best for mixing clown and damsels as a rule, but i'm doing it in a 14 gallon nano.

That generally is the problem though Bud, people don't research and try to mix those that you advise against. The ones that don't mix well are also the ones commonly seen in every LFS.

It is easier to tell people to avoid mixing them than to point them to the very few that are ok.

Especially when an LFS close to me has a tank of Evil damsels - Free to Good Home.
Very true I guess Tina...too many shops will sell new keepers anything for a sale and most are more prone to stock the thug species as they are very cheap to buy in.
hi buddyboy could you tell me what kind of fish that is on your comment its the third one on those pics you have under your comment it looks nice would that be ok with clown fish and a dart fish.
thanks :D
Not a's a bellus angel, one of the swallowtail family. In theory yes, should be fine, although i know some have had trouble with these angels....if no one to stand up to it it will quickly become the boss of your tank. The females, like this girl, grow to around 12 cm and are recomended for tanks of around 270 lts. She occasionally has minor disagreements with the flame angel but never anything serious.

This is her up close...

thanks for the reply so would i be better going for the flame angel then or will that pick on the clowns and dart fish.
oh and i really like the cardinal fish will that be ok aswell

many thanks :)
WOW now i see that fish closer it is lovely but its a pitty my tank is to small for one of those. my malawi cichlids have my bigger tank which is 4 ft i think even that tank is too small for one of those how big do they grow ??
The females reach up to 12cm.....a flameback is a lovely dwarf angel for your tank....flame that I have is one of the most aggressive unfortunately and I left it to the end of my stocking so as it couldn't take over the whole tank.

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