Help with my gurami!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2022
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Yesterday I got a gurami for my tank. I didn't notice this when I got him. What Can I do? What is this scar?

Please help,
Could be anything, a wound (fighting / wedged / tranportdamage / etc....) or a sign of a disease. Keep the water clean and see what happens.

Looks like a female Thick lipped btw (probably sold as Red Honey or Red Robin)


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That's a Thick Lipped Gourami ? I had a pair over 50 years ago and have never seen them since. Mine were the original wild type that looked similar to a Dwarf Gourami. Glad to see that they are still in the hobby. Would love to find some again.
Red coloured thick lips are being sold as red honey and red robin gouramis though I have never seen the original striped colour in stores.
Red coloured thick lips are being sold as red honey and red robin gouramis though I have never seen the original striped colour in stores.
How can I help him?
I don't know which part of the fish you lot are talking about.

Minor injuries can usually be treated with clean water and a bit of salt (1-2 heaped tablespoons per 20 litres of water). Keep salt in tank for 2 weeks and see if it helps.
I don't know which part of the fish you lot are talking about.

Minor injuries can usually be treated with clean water and a bit of salt (1-2 heaped tablespoons per 20 litres of water). Keep salt in tank for 2 weeks and see if it helps.
I want to figure out if he is sick? Does he look like he will be fine inIMG_20220404_194717.jpgIMG_20220404_194709.jpgIMG_20220404_111607.jpg the photos?
As said : There is something on your fish, but unknown what exactly. So keep the conditions pristine (add salt as Colin suggested) and see what happens.

You won't get a positive ID on a disease at this moment, so different than the "innocent" salt treatment won't be advised at this moment.
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Bearing in mind that this Gourami has only just been introduced to the aquarium, so will not be settled and likely to be stressed out

This is a thread from 2018, similar looking colouration Gourami with very similar oddity around the head area.... @Colin_T and others responded to it

Could this just be a very stressed out and totally unsettled Gourami that needs to have some peace, quiet and lights out to get itself back together?

This fish has only been in the aquarium for a couple of days, it can take weeks for a fish to settle and colour up fully....all the water changes etc are just exacerbating the stress levels surely?

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