Help With My External Filter!


New Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Hi all

I got a really problem that hopefully you fine people can sort out.

I bought a whole new marine setup with a tank thats brand new on the market. Its called the Aqua One Eurovision 90.

Bar the lack of decent instructions I managed to set up the tank and cabinet.

It comes with a Aqua One Aquias 1000 Canister Filter. I got the tank set up with the canister filter at the bottom of the cabinet. However I cannot get water to go from the outlet back up to the tank itself.

I've sucked on the end and water comes out to the top but it does keep a decent amount of pressure. The water flows fine into a bucket onto the floor however.

I think the problem is gravity and my only hope is to put the filter above the tank, but then that defeats the whole object about the cabinet!

Is there anything else I can do. I've checked the tubes and there are no kinks.

I'm a complete noob to marine fish keeping and I'm really dissapointed by this big setback.
Can you get a refund on the filter? All you need are powerheads and live rock for filtration. SH
not really it came as a marine starter kit bundle

something i noticed, if the length of tubing from the in valve to the filter is quite long would this make an impact. it has a few bends and is not straight through
starting externals can be a bit of hard work....

I set up our fluval 304 today... and filled the wrong hose with water first...

if you can, lift both pipes above the tank and drain them...

Then suck on the pipe that takes water out of the tank. This will start a syphon.
Close the tap in this pipe (not sure on your filters setup) then connect them to the filter.

the return hose needs to be empty at this point or the syphon will air lock anf not fill ther filter...

the water level in the tank should drop as the filter fills up.

If it fills with water, turn it on If not, dont and if the unit has a primer - try that now ;)

hopefully this will sort it out and the filter will run a treat ;)

I have exactly the same canister filter as you mention and I had exactly the same issue when starting it from new. If you check the pump blades are turning by taking the top off and cover to the pump housing. If they are not use a toothpick (not your fingers) :/ and just move the blade slightly, the motor should start to turn.

I then powered on \ off a few times and all was well. Once started it is a very powerful pump so you should have no problems. Depending on whether you have enough live rock I would gradually (2-3 moths) reduce the bio balls and ceramic beads as the live rock takes over filtration. Still good to use cannister for rawphos and carbon treatments though.

Have fun.
Whooo hoo that worked. I had to start the motor spinning with a toothpick. Thanks mate. If you were local to me I would buy you a pint.
Whooo hoo that worked. I had to start the motor spinning with a toothpick. Thanks mate. If you were local to me I would buy you a pint.


Been away for a while, just got back and I'm chuffed to bits it worked for you. I nearly took mine back at first. Dont worry about the pint, you might help me one day, thats whats good about the forum, your always learning, even if you dont always get chance to post.


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