Help With 'lumpy' Oscar

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The current Mrs Treguard ;)
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Sep 6, 2010
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Let's start with this stuff;
Tank size: 5'x2'x2'
pH: 6.5
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: between 20 - 40
kH: and gH: not sure, but our water is very, very soft
tank temp: 24°C
Filtration is two APS 2000lph, 50 or 60% water changes weekly. Other occupants of the tank are a synodontis, one spotted and one striped talking cat and a gibbi.
I noticed on Monday that our oscar (six years old, approx a foot) was looking a bit 'bulgy'; middle of his abdomen; on both sides, but one side larger than the other. I thought he might have stolen too many catfish pellets, so he's been fasted since then (I did try him with a few peas yesterday, but I doubt he ate any) but the lump hasn't gone down, it's definitely got larger
He's behaving and eating normally (for him).

I'm pretty sure what the prognosis is, as I'm fairly certain it's a tumour
  but would be grateful for any suggestions, if anyone thinks otherwise (please, please do think otherwise!). I'm in the UK so antibiotics are out but I don't think they'd help anyway, tbh. 
Have you felt his stomach to see if it's fluid, or hard lumps.
Are his eyes ok.
Also check his anus to see if look looks inflamed or enlarged.
Is he going to the toilet?
Do you have a side on picture?
is the lump dark under the skin at all or is it pale?
are there any raised scales or any sign of a puncture wound around the area at all?
Gosh, I hadn't thought of feeling it! I'm a bit scared to do that, tbh; worried I might rupture something

He is pooing; the normal greenish brown lumps. His eyes and anus also look normal (his eyes always look like that from above).
There's no sign of any discolouration on the lump at all and no raised scales or punctures that I can see. He actually looks completely normal; just the wrong shape.
I'll try and get a side on pic, but he's not being very cooperative

Edited to add; 
'Good' side;

'Bad' side;
Needed to ask about the eyes, and anus as it can be a sign of dropsy and fluid build up.
His scales don't look raised in the pic.
So all I can think of is a blockage, or tumour.
You could try adding two small drops of cod liver oil in his mouth. But you can't feed him for a few days after this treatment.
Just gently stroke your hand over the lumpy areas to see if you can tell if it feels like fluid, or hard lumps.
Sorry probably a silly question but have you fed him anything different from his normal diet?
Thanks, Wilder.
No, he hasn't been fed anything different. I just ran my hand down his side, and it does feel hard, but it's difficult to tell; he's not used to being handled.
When you bloat up it can feel hard. To really tell for lumps you do have to really press and feel for them.
All I can suggest it soaking a cloth in tank water wrap the fish in the cloth. But ask someone to gently hold the fish down for you.
Then add the cod liver oil. It will flush the fish throw.
Here some more info on tumours.






Fishes with tumors have distended bodies or lumps on the skin. Unusual growths or swellings may occur in any part of the body. If they occur in internal organs they tend to cause firm, noticeable swelling to the general body shape. Tumors are usually confined to one area of the fish but they will continue to grow over time, weakening the fish until death occurs.




A variety of environmental factors such as chemical pollution or severe viral infections. A predisposition to tumors may be inherited from a fish's parents.




There is no chemical remedy for this condition. Surgical removal of tumors can be attempted, but there is a high frequency of recurrence.
Okay, thanks Wilder. I'll rope in one of the boys or my mum later and give the cod liver oil a try.
Don't think you got much to lose really, It won't harm him but don't feed him for at least two days afterwards.
Bless Him. I know how you feel you get so attached the them when you had them for so long.
Finger crossed.
Good Luck.
you can try deshelled peas if its just bloated or maybe it just has a bacterial infection. or it could be he is a she
Well, he's had the cod liver oil (what a palaver that was!). I'll make sure he doesn't get fed at all.
Thanks for the advice, Derp, but he's been offered peas before and hasn't eaten them. In case it is a bacterial infection, I've also dosed the tank with Myxazin (nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say...). I'm fairly sure it's a male, as he has a slight nuchal hump, although it could be a she, it's true.
Thanks for the help and kind words everyone.

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