Help With Light In 4 Foot Tank


Fish Addict
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Scotland, East lothian, Edinburgh
ok so bought a 4 foot tank on weds night set it up yesteday.

The thing is. it only has i 30 watt lightbulb. plus tinfoil on hood to reflect light, but its still not very bright.

is there higher what bulbs i can buy or add more lights in etc.

Just measured i have room to replace the bulb to max 44" can u buy bulbs that size


Zoe :good:
Just been to LPS next door. and see says ishe could get me a 42". 40 watt powerglo or aqua glow bulb.

she not sure on difference. she mostly sees dog stuff but says she could get me either of them

Just been to LPS next door. and see says ishe could get me a 42". 40 watt powerglo or aqua glow bulb.

she not sure on difference. she mostly sees dog stuff but says she could get me either of them


If its light you're after I would go for the power glo. It seems to offer more. I dont know alot about lights though, but from this link, it seems the power glo is more..powerful.

ps. you might get them cheaper from that sight, but if you like your LFS, no point really.
The powerglo is very "white" hence looks brighter... most large aquatic stores have a display showing several different tubes all lit side by side, which is very misleading.... your brain tends to try and make ALL lights "look" white, standard flourescent tubes are a good example... they are actually quite green !

Get yourself a real reflector... 42" powrglo, and the fish will need sunglasses !!! LOL
In my 4 footer, I use a 42" powerglo AND 42" floraglo... plants love em !

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