I think he's a hypostomus if I've counted his rays right. Have a loo at the link below and see if it helps:
He could be hypostomus punctatus - they're not a rare plec and are sometimes sold as "commons". Very jealous - would love one of him!
Many thanks to all who have contributed here - I'm very grateful.
I think Kathy may have got it - he does look very much like hypostomus punctatus, so now I know roughly what to expect.
He has been with us a week now and is doing well, a few tussles with the Clown Loaches but nothing serious. I have put in another hidey hole which he has claimed and bought some spirula wafers so I'll start feeding him properly. Water is still ok, ammonia and nitrite remain stable and very low so it looks like a good start.
I'm looking forward to this new angle on my hobby and the next step is to plan his own tank ready for when he gets too big. If you don't mind, I may ask for more advice on decor, tank mates etc at that time so.............I'll be back! 8)
Many thanks to all - what a top forum!