Help With Fish

Yeah, to clarify you got a green terror there (GoldSaum type - not a true GT).
If you're lucky it will grow up and look like the one in my avatar (not mine, just wish I had one like that :p)
Yeah, to clarify you got a green terror there (GoldSaum type - not a true GT).
If you're lucky it will grow up and look like the one in my avatar (not mine, just wish I had one like that :p)
Thanks for that, could you tell me how big it is likely to get? thanks..
The GT, if male can reach 12" however I wouldn't expect more than 10" and they are quite slow growers compared to other similar NW cichlids. Females stay smaller.

The second fish is definately tricker to tell apart for me, maybe someone with more experience could chip in. Its fins look pretty torn up, one way people use to tell GT's and Blue acaras apart is that GT's will have a band of orange along the edge of the caudal fin, GT's have a lower slung mouth when compared to blue acaras aswell and a less round forhead.
Yeh it had the yellow band, similar to the gt but its had a few run ins with my convict, not too sure with the blackish bands on its body though, also its had a few bouts of lip locking with what i now know is my green terror.

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