Help With Bolivian Ram


New Member
Sep 2, 2011
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I have a 100L set with Flourite Black Sand for my plants, so my tank is planted, this create lots of hide places.
All stats are looking good.

About 4 days ago 1 of my rams strated sitting at the bottom of the tank and then on day two another one started doing the same. Now I have three sitting at the bottom of the tank. They are still looking okay on colour, and the breathing is great, they eat a little bit at a time.

I don't know want could be wrong with them, things I have tried are 48 hours with no food and light, this morning a did a salt drip on them.

The mates in the tank are 2 Gold rams and some Yamato Shrimps for cleaning

Cheers for any replys

Can you post the actual results of your tests please? How long has the tank been set up, what filtration are you running and what's your maintanence regime?
tank temp:27

I do a 10% water change once a week, I always add tap safe.
My filter is a ecco pro 2032 no carbon
My tank been going for about 8 months

are their fins clamped to the side of the body? if so then it's an indicator that they are stressed for some reason.

rams don't tolerate salt well at all so don't use it when treating them. if you have salted the tank then you will need to do a majority water change to lower the salt level as much as possible. if you need to treat them then use commercial remedies. Pimafix/melafix are very mild, consider adding them as a preventative measure in case they have fungus or parasite. Using stronger chemicals is only advised if you can see a problem (fungus, open sore, white spot etc). 27C is low enough for Ich to be a possibility, but this would normally cause them to scratch or "flash" on tank objects rather than sit at the bottom.
I just note that my other rams have started iching, so I have start treatment for white spot
You should see the white spots before the fish star flashing. What are you using to test your water? A nitrate level of 5ppm would be very unusual, especially with only 10% weekly water changes; please don't take this personally, but are you sure you're doing the tests properly

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