Help With Anubias


Apr 6, 2009
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I think my anubias is poorly :(

I first noticed little holes in the leaves, and then the leaves started curling.

I have reduced the light time, I haven't dosed flourish excel for a couple of weeks my b/f borrowed it. Also I dose ferts, (don't have the name of it here)

Any advice? x
Hi , this is the one i was using, I have not dosed to for a while to see it it helps because i noticed hair algae starting on my wood.

Hi , this is the one i was using, I have not dosed to for a while to see it it helps because i noticed hair algae starting on my wood.


start the dosing up again, and split the weekly dose by 7 and dose daily.
Hair algae is cause by poor CO2 & flow. You could by some seachem excel, easycarbo, or AE Aquacarbon and dose daily (see aqua essentials). That will kill the algae, and it is also a source of carbon for your plants so it should help with the anubias too.
Thanks for your responses aaron :)

I dont know if i will be able to split it into 7 because my tank is only 35L so i think i only dose 1ml or something, cant remember though, normally the b/f doing it. :blush:

I have some flourish excel, i will start that again straight away.

You don't think my light is too bright?
sometimes my old anubias leaves get small holes in and i remove them but if all your leaves are like this, it is a nutrient defficiency like aaron has suggested
Thanks for your responses aaron :)

I dont know if i will be able to split it into 7 because my tank is only 35L so i think i only dose 1ml or something, cant remember though, normally the b/f doing it. :blush:

I have some flourish excel, i will start that again straight away.

You don't think my light is too bright?

what wattage is the light?
I'm just wondering if your substrate is not too compact???.... Larger grain gravel will allow more oxygen to the roots.... (don't you think so)??
Well when i bought my tank it come with sort of pink lught was awful.

I bought 11W colour 860.

I'm just wondering if your substrate is not too compact???.... Larger grain gravel will allow more oxygen to the roots.... (don't you think so)??

anbias does not go into the substrate so don't think it is that x :)
light is fine.
apart from anubias not going in the substrate, allowing O2 to the roots isnt important.
Congrats on becoming a mod too.
light is fine.
apart from anubias not going in the substrate, allowing O2 to the roots isnt important.
Congrats on becoming a mod too.

Thanks Aaron....I Like the contrast in your sig tanks.....Both actually works.....
This was when it started, the leaves look alot worse than this now, but you can see them started to curl...


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