Hi everyone!
i'm new to this forum, but have been keeping my africans for almost four years now. i have an 80g with 2 penguin 330s and crushed coral as substrate. i have about 15 1-4" mbuna, one 4" red empress, one albino bristlenose catfish, and one pl*co. i keep the temp at 83 and do weekly 40% water changes and add seachem's "cichlid salts" about once a month.
here's my problem: i just moved about a month ago. my old tap came out at pH=9.0, so i always added seachem's neutral regulator when i did water changes. the coral kept the pH from changing much. i figured the coral would continue to set the pH in the tank, but lately i've noticed my fish stressed out and hovering at the right sided bottom of the tank. i did a test strip, and i got through the roof nitrates (that don't seem to change with water changes), no nitrites, hardness of about 100, KH of 180, and pH of 7.2!!! when i did test strips the first couple of weeks, nitrates were still high (i was beginning to think the strips were suspect until i tried the tap), but the pH was a happy 8.2 still. i was shocked to see the pH so low, as i'd assumed that the coral would always take care of it. is it possible that i've put so much neutral regulator in the tank over the past year and a half (with water changes) that it's built up and is now keeping the water at neutral? my tap comes out here at 7.0.
also, they're stressed out for part of the day, and sometimes they seem fine!
1) what's going on here with the pH? is it the neutral regulator (which, of course, i have stopped adding since i moved)? what should i do to rectify this?
2) i'm about to go buy some baking soda to add as a buffer. is there a particular kind i should get or avoid? how much is safe to put in right now? did the crushed coral stop working or reach a max dissolution or something?
3) what is going on with the nitrates? something i can do about that? i went and bought a plant today as a panic response. they're in a better mood now and have started eating the plant. i put in some romaine to distract them.
4) about the plant: is there a procedure for me to wash the plant or something before putting it in? i rinsed it several times and then buried the pot in the gravel (have no idea what kind of plant this is). i also bought those "bulbs in a package" things with some type of lilie or something. they're guaranteed to grow 3-5" in 20 days. are these things okay to put in the tank?
5) more about the plant: i caught a hitchhiker with the plant--a little aquatic frog. i think it's a dwarf, but you know how they mislabel those things. it's tiny and there's no way i'll be able to catch it now bc it's hiding under the rockwork. is this okay? is he just gonna be lunch for someone?
6) i've never been able to raise any haps. they all seem to die except for my red empress (knock on wood). is this bc they're not aggressive enough? which leads me to my last question:
7) i recently lost my two 1" obliquidens with this pH shock (i think).
one floated to the top but i can't seem to find the other. ammonia and nitrites are still fine, so i don't think it's rotting anywhere. eaten?
Sorry for this long involved message as my first post. i'd really appreciate your help and input as i've never had a problem like this and this has me stumped.
i'm new to this forum, but have been keeping my africans for almost four years now. i have an 80g with 2 penguin 330s and crushed coral as substrate. i have about 15 1-4" mbuna, one 4" red empress, one albino bristlenose catfish, and one pl*co. i keep the temp at 83 and do weekly 40% water changes and add seachem's "cichlid salts" about once a month.
here's my problem: i just moved about a month ago. my old tap came out at pH=9.0, so i always added seachem's neutral regulator when i did water changes. the coral kept the pH from changing much. i figured the coral would continue to set the pH in the tank, but lately i've noticed my fish stressed out and hovering at the right sided bottom of the tank. i did a test strip, and i got through the roof nitrates (that don't seem to change with water changes), no nitrites, hardness of about 100, KH of 180, and pH of 7.2!!! when i did test strips the first couple of weeks, nitrates were still high (i was beginning to think the strips were suspect until i tried the tap), but the pH was a happy 8.2 still. i was shocked to see the pH so low, as i'd assumed that the coral would always take care of it. is it possible that i've put so much neutral regulator in the tank over the past year and a half (with water changes) that it's built up and is now keeping the water at neutral? my tap comes out here at 7.0.
also, they're stressed out for part of the day, and sometimes they seem fine!
1) what's going on here with the pH? is it the neutral regulator (which, of course, i have stopped adding since i moved)? what should i do to rectify this?
2) i'm about to go buy some baking soda to add as a buffer. is there a particular kind i should get or avoid? how much is safe to put in right now? did the crushed coral stop working or reach a max dissolution or something?
3) what is going on with the nitrates? something i can do about that? i went and bought a plant today as a panic response. they're in a better mood now and have started eating the plant. i put in some romaine to distract them.
4) about the plant: is there a procedure for me to wash the plant or something before putting it in? i rinsed it several times and then buried the pot in the gravel (have no idea what kind of plant this is). i also bought those "bulbs in a package" things with some type of lilie or something. they're guaranteed to grow 3-5" in 20 days. are these things okay to put in the tank?
5) more about the plant: i caught a hitchhiker with the plant--a little aquatic frog. i think it's a dwarf, but you know how they mislabel those things. it's tiny and there's no way i'll be able to catch it now bc it's hiding under the rockwork. is this okay? is he just gonna be lunch for someone?
6) i've never been able to raise any haps. they all seem to die except for my red empress (knock on wood). is this bc they're not aggressive enough? which leads me to my last question:
7) i recently lost my two 1" obliquidens with this pH shock (i think).
Sorry for this long involved message as my first post. i'd really appreciate your help and input as i've never had a problem like this and this has me stumped.