HELP whats happened to my tank ?!?


New Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Hi all ! checked fish before i went out and all was fine have just got in and my RTBS is no longer an RTBS his tale has gone clear/pinkish (he was the only one i couldn't see before i went out but was defiitly ok this morning). All my other fish are refusing to leave the bottom of the tank and the angel has also lost some colour. Have givin them some food and they perked up a bit but they are now all back on the bottom looking like they are gonna kick it :no:

There is a weird little snail i just noticed i assume he hitched a ride on the plants i put in last week but could he be causing this ?

Please help i don't want to loose my fish ! ! :/

Have you checked your levels?

Post your levels and also anything you have added to the tank.

You might try a 30% water change immediately and see if there is an improvement. :/

Hope somebody else might be able to tell you more.
sorry computer has been down !

No2 about 0.3 on the colour chart, i don't have kits for the rest, the colour is coming back now, it's so weird though what could of made it go ??

only the new weed was added within the last week i think thats where the snail came from !
Sorry Lovemyfishes, still not enough information, did you check out the link.?? :/

You say you are showing 0.3 for NitrIte (NO2) but you can't test for anything else. :/

NitrItes could be there for various reasons, because you are cycling, or perhaps you have recently had an ammonia spike, perhaps you added fish, perhaps they have been overfed. :S

You have not said if you did a 30% water change as ddreams suggested, or how often you do water changes, how long you have had you tank. :(

I know you do not want to loose you fish, but if you post a message for help, we do not have a crystal ball and without any details to go on we can not offer any advice. If we did try to offer advice it could very well be the wrong advice. :(

I sorry if I sound hard, I really would love to help you out but without anything to go on it really is impossible :(

Help us to help you :D :D :D
Greetings all... Kept fish for 25 years.. only just discovered this site. Great to be on board at last.

Hi there,

Shame about the tank. Lets try to improve fish health whilst you work out what caused the change to the water quality.

Have you fed them anything different. Or possibly live food and plant vegitation followed by dry food with higher protein content than usual?

This might sound wierd... but it will help your fish:
1. Stop feeding for 48hours min.
2. Soak some low-protein dry food in garlic oil. Either crush a clove and use the oil... or you can buy bottled garlic oil specifically for aqurium fish at very specialist shops.
3. Remove carbon and feed the hungry blighters with garlic soaked food.

As well as getting rid of vampires... the garlic passes through fish gut and tissue/scales killing a number of parasites and infections. The fish will become more active and breighter in colour. It's the equivalent of Fish 'colonic irregation' and clears fish constipation.

I do this 3-4 times per year as preventitive .... the fish love it... watch out for unwanted spawning activity afterwards though.

Only negative side affect is a garlic-ponging tank for 2-3 days afterwards... but carbon helps with that too.

As for the snails ... blanch a lettuice leaf in boiling water for 2 secs. Put in tank late at night and leave over night near where snails live. Get up early before dawn and pull leaf out of tank... nails will be sat on the leaf! Repeat as required.

Yours Aye

Any low-protein content dry food... nothing too rich. No dried live food.

Algae waffers work well... but take alot of soaking.
Catfish pellets also work well.

I tend to crush a fresh clove onto a glass surface and then mash basic flake food into the garlic oil using the back of a tea spoon. I drop small 'clods' of garlic soaked food into the tank.

Fish will find it streight away, however more effective if you starve them a little first. My fish only get fed 3 times per week, the rest of the time they are forced to eat vitamins by eating the plants. If you do not have live plants, try adding a very thin slice of cucumber and wedge it at fish-swiming height if you can. If you have alot of catfish/corys -try a thin slice of potatoe. (the potatoe takes the garlic well too!)

Let me know what you think once you have had a go. Maybe we should start a new post on the Garlic thing and invite all to write in with their observations! Could be fun. Will do it now!

Now a new topic -Garlic online experiment' on 'Tropical Chit Chat'. :cool:

Yours Aye


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