Help! What Went Wrong?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2007
Reaction score
Metro Detroit
I bought the nutrafin system and did everything the way the sticky said to and bubbles started after a few minutes,but after about 5 minutes there was a white cloud pouring through the water. So i unhooked it.Obviously it is yeast and or sugar in my water. Will this harm my fish?

Found a possible problem. I misread and used 1Tablespoon of yeast instead of 1 teaspoon.


Could that have been the problem?
:D we all make mistakes but yeah 1 tablespoon of yeast is going to cause trouble.

FYI: I always use a little less than a teaspoon and a one way valve to prevent this problem ever happening.

However, I'm not sure what damage the mix can do to your tank. I know a few other people have had this problem from my initail research into CO2, so I'm sure someone will be along to advise soon.

I bought the nutrafin system and did everything the way the sticky said to and bubbles started after a few minutes,but after about 5 minutes there was a white cloud pouring through the water. So i unhooked it.Obviously it is yeast and or sugar in my water. Will this harm my fish?

Found a possible problem. I misread and used 1Tablespoon of yeast instead of 1 teaspoon.


Could that have been the problem?

Do a 100% water change NOW if you have fish in there.

Drain fill drain fill drain fill,
else you will have dead fish...
The yeast component to ferment a 5 USG must is about a TEAspoon. Ergo, a TABLEspoon in a 2 litre DIY CO2 setup will raise h***.
All is clear again. The fish are fine. And there is a steadystream of bubbles coming from the ladder and no yeast.
I added some extra (emergency) filtration via a powerhead with a filter attachment. That helped a lot.

2nd time's a charm
Thats good its all ok now. Yes ive read that alot of people that use the DIY:Co2 sometimes put to much in and it goes into the tank. But glad nothing was harmed

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