HELP!!! What do I do?

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Fish Crazy
Feb 18, 2020
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Hello, everyone! i have a situation here! I recently got some swordtails for my 90 litre fish tank! two of them died, and one of my plates died! one of my cardinal tetras are dying too! I have a big, grumpy angelfish, a big male electric yellow cichlid, some big male pearl gouramis etc. All my peaceful fish keep dying, and I am beginning to think the big fish are picking on them and killing them! one of my swordtails died this morning, and it had kind of like a bruise near its gills, as if it got nipped at a lot! Help! Because i still have a bunch of peaceful fish in the tank that I really like, and i don't have any room in my other tanks! My dad won't let me return the big fish because he likes them! HELP!!! What should i do??? :fish:
Members will be able to offer advice but first need to know more about this tank. What is the size (dimensions as well as volume), how long has it been running, what are the numbers for GH, pH, and any tests (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate). And exactly what fish species and numbers.

How frequent are partial water changes, and what volume.

I can tell you right off that you have a very incompatible mix of fish and that is likely behind this.
I agree with @Byron. You need to tell your dad that it would be in their best interests if they got returned. Show him this thread! That might change his mind.
Pick which group of fish youl like and return the ones that dont work with it :)
Pictures of the sick fish?

Wipe the inside of the glass with a clean fish sponge.

Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a week or until we work out what is going on.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Clean the filter if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks.
Wash filter media/ materials in a bucket of tank water and re-use them.

If your dad wants to keep the electric yellow cichlid, tell him to get another tank that is at least 3 foot long. The electric yellow cichlid needs water with a GH around 300ppm and a pH above 7.4.

If your dad wants to keep the angelfish or gourami, tell him to get another tank that is at least 4 foot long and have water with a GH below 150ppm and a pH around 7.0 or less.

The swordtails need water with a GH around 200ppm and a pH above 7.0. Their tank should be at least 30 inches long.

If your limited to space, get two 4ft tanks and put them on a double tier stand. Set one tank up with hard water and put the electric yellow and swordtails in it. The other tank can have soft water and the angel and gourami can go in it.

An 18 inch cube is not suitable for most of the fish you have.

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