help wanted!


Fish Herder
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
boston, MA
well, almost 1 week ago, i had to quarantine jaws, because she had a cottony patch at the base of her caudal fin. she is in my 2.5 gal hospital tank, with jungle fungus clear (supposedly treats fungus and bacterial infections) i tried a straight fungus treatment for 3 days with no improvement, so i switched to the jungle stuff. she still looks about the same (no change in the size of the white fuzzy stuff), but has only been trated with the fungus clear for 2 days).

now sumatra, who has always ruled the female tank, appears to have ick. i pulled her out straight away, but hae not started to treat her with anything (other than a few drops of colloidal silver over her head). she also had 2 areas of lost coloring her anal fin. she is a beautiful purple red. it appeared to be going white/clear in these 2 patches, but she loses her color pretty frquently all over (with light changes, etc.), so i thought nothing of it. now 1 of the patches has completely "dissolved" that part of her anal fin!!!! right now she is in my margarita pitcher (only used for water changes, no tequila in there!) waiting for me to decide what to do with her.

so, i have no other hospital tanks! what do i do?
1) leave the 2 isolated girls as they are and continue/start treatment for fungus/ich?
2) should i siwtch them ad ich resolves quicker at higher temps and i can't heat the margarita pitcher?
3) should i treat the main tank? it has betta girls, danios, panda corys and an otto.
4) what the heck is this dissolving fin thing?!?!?

this is what i get for thinking, "wow, it's been a while since i've had any problems with my fishies!" never again will i utter those words!

thanks for any help!!
I have had a LONG day ad I fear my eyes did not focus for this whole post, but here is a little advice from what I gathered.

If you need a temporary home, a large mason jar or vase will do for temporary housing.

For the fungus, I'd say if you are REALLY REALLY careful, one drop of melafix (use eyedropper or something simaler, even an old dechlor bottle) and one drop pimafix per gallon will work. It has worked for me. If the quar tank you have her in is less than a gallon, use an old milk jug (cleaned out of course) fill it with water to the one gallon point, add meds then put it in the container. Salt wouldnt hurt either.

For the ich, I would definitely use the ich meds. It's the only stuff that works fast. Also salt with all the water changes will be a good thing.

If you want to heat the container, put it under a lamp, in a warm room of your house and keep the lamp on. If you have one of those swivel neck lamps, those work too.

Good luck, and keep us posted! :thumbs:

Edited to add, scratch the lamp idea if it is the ich you want to treat. Ich needs darkness to die off.
i just did a water teset and the readings are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 5 nitrate, if anyone wanted to know
hmm. Well you have me stumped. Maybe you're doing too frequent of water changes?
I have successfully treated Ich by raising the temperature of the tank to 85 degree (which causes the Ich to mature at a extremely fast rate) and put the proper dose of Aquarisol in the water. The medicines cannot really kill the Ich unless the Ich has released from the body of the fish. Once it has matured and fallen off of the fish the Aquarisol can attack the Ich before it releases more spores into the water.

I have treated entire tanks this way and sometimes it is the only way to prevent the other fish in the tank from become victims of the Ich. As a side note, most diseases like Ich and Velvet are only able to get a hold on the fish because the fish is stressed out making it's immune system vulnerable. As was mentioned previously in another posting, water changes done too frequently can overstress the fish and cause an onset of Ich and Velvet.
here is a pic of sumatra. she has ich, which i am treating with maracide, i don't know what happened to her anal fin though! first she lost color in a few spots and then the spots disintegrated! any ideas?


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Wou. I just read your post. Hmm.. I hope she get through with it. Interesting how she lost color in a few spots and then the spots disintegrated. Fungus or bacteria attack? I totally have no clue and I think she will be all right when looking to the picture. I am sure they will growth back. Oh ammonia burned? :blink: I have my blue doubletail geno batch also got burned and they all are ok now. I think we changed too much water. I did put the green finrot solution and fungus clear from jungle. They all are ok now. Keep up dating.
If I am right, the spot just happened when she put her in the jar. Then the fin discoloration pale and 2 days later just deteriate gone. Anyway, it seems like she is healing now from the way of the picture and it will sure growth back. Mine are growing back now and I can see it.
she had the fin discoloration in the community tank, for a few days, but i though it was part of her usual "losing my color when the lights come on just to scare mommy" routine. when the spot started to disintigrate, she got pulled.
i have jungle fungus clear, so i might try that. she just had maracide for the ich which she also has.

jaws still has the same patch of cottony fungun on her back, the size has not chaged at all after using jungle fungus clear. i may need to pick up something stronger.

thanks for the help!
well, here is an update on jaws... i have now been treating her for over 2 months and she still is not better. i have used maracyn 2, tetracycline, jungle fungus clear and now erythromycin. here is a pic from after her water change today. i also use colloidal silver and salt with my sickies.

any suggestions?

oh yeah, her belly has been getting bigger and bigger over the last few weeks...

also, sumatra did not make it, but jaws is such a trooper!!!


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