Help! Velvet Disease In Nothobranchius Rachovi Beira


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
South yorkshire.
Ive been bringing up some Nothobranchius Rachovi Beira 98 for around 9 weeks now.

Just as they were starting to get ready for breeding i noticed that they had little gold dust like specs on them which is of course Velvet.

I know why they have got this because my wife was in hospital having our baby and i neglected the water changes for a few days beause i was spending most of my time either at going back and fourth to hospital or working.

Ive been treating them with salt and daily water changes plus ive put in a heater set at 28.

It doesnt seem to be clearing up quick ive lost a out 5 or 6 fish over the course of a 8 days.

None of my other fish are suffering with this. I do know these killis are quit vunarable to velvet.

Can anyone advise on any other effective methods to treat this ?

Thanks in advance :)
Velvet is much better adapted to survive high saline content and temperature rise.
So adding salt will not do anything.
Try meds containing copper sulphate
Methylene Blue and Acriflavin may also help.
Sadly usually if Velvet is in the latter stages and taken hold to such an extent as you suggest then perhaps it is beyond cure.
I would set up a hospital tank and treat with meds.
But you may have to start again. Sterilise your tanks.
Thanks for the reply Big C.

Ive been carrying on with treatment and lost quite a few more sadly. Id just about given it up as a bad job and expected to lost the lot but today ive noticed that the golden dust has almost gone from almost all the fish theres only a quarter of what there was on them before.

I know theres still a chance i could lost them all but so far its looking like they is a small chance it might be clearing.

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