Help! Unknown Fungus / Disease - Warning-Distressing Pix

About five-Six weeks between in fact! It was 15th feb I lost my green sev.
Symptoms were sudden on both -white patch on lip of severum- which then ended up covering all of his head so he didn't look green at all swollen lips too.
side of Uaru's head then had white patch on this week which the next day looked like had spread to lips which were white and bottom lip was swollen. He died the next morning.
They do die pretty quick though...Can't see those pictures still, sorry I may be waisting your time...but there is a very good article about columnaris that may help you diagnose and maybe treat:
ill try to insert the pictures.... not that they are very pleasant.
you are not wasting my time, i've posted this on 3 forums and you are the only ones who have replied trying to help- so thankyou!

columnaris was my initial thought, just not 100% sure.
not sure why tank cloudy - all my water tests seem fine as stated in 1st post... possibly just killed off some good bacteria in the tank with all those meds. its still a bit blue even after 5 water changes!

these are both my green severum taken 2/3 days apart


Thanks. I could finally see the pictures but I can't tell from them.
Is it a fluffy kind of looking stuff?
It could be columnaris too but without a microscope it's impossible to tell.
It wasn't exactly 'fluffy' but strands seemed to hang off in places

Such as from inside green severums mouth...???
One of my other small Uaru seems sluggish today no visible signs of anything... :-(
I gave you a hint in post #12, look through your medicine cabinet for any prescription antibiotics, or you can try to find a vet who will prescribe an antibiotic.
Yes, thankyou, i do appreciate that,
So say I can get some antibiotics, where can I find dosages? What antibiotic would you use if you suspected columnaris?
As far as dosages it depends on the antibiotics. I guess you have to be a fish geek like me & have no problem dropping $50 on a reference book for fish medication, or make a long distance call to a pharmaceutical supply house that specializes in aquatics to find the proper dosage rate for individual medications.

Being in the US, I'd start with Maracyn & Maracyn II. These are basically erythromicin & tetracycline, easily available over the counter at most any LFS. Being over the counter, and having instructions for use that don't treat the fish for the proper length of time if there wasn't any results after 5 days I'd assume I was dealing with a bacterial situation that had built up some immunity to these drugs, and switch to a sulfa based course of treatment.
Just a thought but do you have a reputable fish shop that you could ask. We have a massive one near us who quarantine all their fish and I would have thought a place like that would at least know how to get hold of proper vet meds? Maybe you could google for places near you who you could call for advice?
Thankyou, I've got some great places near me - whom I really trust and have helped me out and helped me learn a lot- independent local shops- but they all say as I'm In the UK no antibiotics are available. We have a local fisheries like a science lab. They agree colmnaris, from looking at lots of my pics, and even coming to my house to look at fish, for no charge, but I have no treatment still.
My other fish seem ok
I've tried reading about the disease but cannot understand why I'd lose one, then another 6 weeks later.
It's very upsetting.
I've cured the cloudiness now- more filter floss needed in the sump to catch fine particles. Water stats still ammonia 0 nitrates 15 nitrites 0 ph 7.5 chlorine 0 etc etc
Just hope whatever was there is gone....

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