Help! Unknown Creature In My Tank

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Jan 8, 2014
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So I have a five gallon tank with three male guppies and 1 tiger snail. I also had the free snails from the local store but they didn't do their job (that's why I got Hobbs [my tiger snail]) and they reproduced like freaking crazy (once I pulled 27 of those suckers out of my tank) so I have been picking them out. I thought I had all of the free snails but I noticed one more today. As I was looking at it I saw something squirm. It was really tiny so at first I thought it was fish poo but then I noticed it was moving on its own and was moving under the gravel. It looks like a tiny wormy thing. Anybody know what it is??? I haven't bought any new decor/plants for my tank in a good long while. My main concern is if it is something that can harm my pets. Anybody, please help. 
most likely it'll just be a nice snack for your fish, wouldn't worry about it too much. but if you feel that you need to take it out. drain your tank into a bucket until you reach the gravel.. or you can do a 50% water change. put the fish in the bucket with the water you removed.. go clean the whole tank, then put everything back in the tank with the water you saved with your fish in it.. fill her up with treated water and it should solve the problem.
usually they will hang onto the plants that you place in the tank, best to check the plant over before putting it into the tank and give it a rinse in a bucket to remove anything unwanted.
tiger nails i think get huge, so watch for that as they might out grow your tank. best to get an assassin snail.. will eat the snails and or worms in your tank if you are unable to clean your tank...
possibly a planarian? they're harmless and if cut Into pieces they all grow into a whole nother planarian.
Oh, I have no idea, but your fish would probably eat it? Hope this helps. 
If you are doing the bucket thing so you can clean your tank, remember to put your current filter into a separate container (with existing tank water).  Take out the filter media - Mine is a sponge so I would just squeeze it clean, then leave the media in some more existing tank water (see if there are any squirmers/worms in there after 5 mins when the water isn't moving). 
You can then clean the rest of the filter unit properly, and once the main tank is all cleaned and scrubbed, the filter and media and fish can go back in.  Hopefully this will keep a lot of the beneficial bacteria still on the filter media!

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