Help!!!!!! temp

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Fish Fanatic
Tank of the Month 🏆
Aug 21, 2019
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I’ve managed to not put my heater back on after a water change . It’s been 3 days and my 200ltr tank is at 20.4. I’ve just put it back on. Will I have done any lasting damage? Everyone looks fine currently. I feel awful. I must get back into a routine of checking the temp daily. Lesson learned
Depends on what type of fish you have. Many fish can handle temp changes as long as it is gradual, short term and not too much but some may be very sensitive. Like @FallenPepper said they may be sluggish.
Depends on what type of fish you have. Many fish can handle temp changes as long as it is gradual, short term and not too much but some may be very sensitive. Like @FallenPepper said they may be sluggish.
All sorts lol
Red line torpedo barbs
Golden algae eater
Flying fox
Cockatoo dwarf cichlid pair
Whip tail catfish
Glass fish
Black Phantom tetras
And 2 frogs lol
Can we get pic of your tank?
They are all fine with 20C temps. The only ones that might be a bit upset would be the Apistogrammas and the Whiptails. But 4 days is no biggy, they will be fine.

Tropical freshwater fishes don't always have the same temperature in the wild. It can vary quite considerably during the seasons. In hot dry weather it might reach 30C+ in the water. During the wet season it might drop to 15C or less.

Even coldwater fishes have to deal with variation in temperatures. I have surveyed water ways down south and the temperature can range from 2-3C in winter, up to 36C in summer.

I had fish in plastic storage containers outdoors for several years and the water temperature ranged from 5C to 45C during the year.
Thank you. I hadn’t noticed any change on behaviour in any of them. I had even sat watching them for a good 15 mins today after I fed them. So relived. Thanks

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