Help! Tank Has Been Sitting For 7 Months..

Ok just got home from the LFS. Picked up about 11 pounds of good lookin LR and added it to the tank. I took the cocktail shrimp out too. Just starting to see a little amonia now... Ill post some pics of the tank in a few. its a lot of rock now... 41lbs in a 24 gallon tank. Too much?
Ok more pics: (sorry still using my phone! LOL)

just a few of some of the new LR



side shot
the shrimp is fine if you want it, it is great at what it does since you dont really need to test etc every day, just wait until its done decomposing, then test. But it will stink....
Ok my amonia is up to .5 now. But my ph is pretty low still... 7.8-7.9. I used a buffer yesterday and it went up to 8.2 (which is about what I want correct?). But it went right back down today. Is there something Im not doing? Do I really have to use a buffer everyday forever?
no, forget about the pH, i wouldnt mess with it.... It requires a balance and i am always paranoid that i will ruin the balance and something goes out of whack, which has happened before with me, kalk, and calcium gave me a mini tank crash. Test in the middle of the day, and also, its the beginning of the tank, nothings ever perfect then :)

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