Help! Stress or Something More?

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Feb 20, 2021
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I have a betta fish and two nerite snails in a 10 gallon tank with heat and a filter. Amonia levels 0, ph and all other levels normal.
I live in one of the areas that recently had a prolonged electrical blackout. With the power out I tried my best to keep the tank warm and clean by adding warm water and spot cleaning poop and food. But after 2 days the temperature was plunging from 80° to 60° and he wasn't swimming anymore- just sitting at the top of the tank. So I set-up an emergency small 5 gallon tank at my friend's who DID have electricity and transported him there for 2 days. His fins were fine during the transport there. When my power came back on and the heater & filter had run for a day, I transported him back to his original 10 gallon tank, but I noticed his top fin was clamped up and his bottom fin was slightly clamped too. I've attached a photo of him before (top)/after (bottom).
He's been back in the original tank for a day now and he's still clamped up. He's eating just fine, & he's still swimming around half of the time and playing in the water filter 'waterfall' (normal for this goofy guy), but then half the time he will pace on the bottom of the tank right above the substrate, then sit completely still at the bottom until he comes up for air. This isn't normal for him, but I'm trying to figure out of this is just stress? Or did he get sick during all this craziness and I have to treat him with something?
Thank you for your help!

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