Help starting with Red Sea Max 250
Hi all, I have been keeping a freshwater tropical tank for half a year and am making the move to a reef tank now.
After a lot of research I have bought over the internet a black cabinet RSM 250 which will be here in 2 weeks for about £1250.00 which I know is expensive and many people will say that for the same money I could buy a different make or a custom setup but I really love the look, the quality and the cabinet and their integrated setup. Also the convenience of reasonable quality all in one. I looked at many other makes and since I am useless at any form of DIY stuff a customisation project seemed impossible for me. So this one seemed the best choice for me.
I want as low a maintenance setup as possible and having read Nightfox's review it sealed the decision for me.
My questions are as follows: Do I need an extra pump in there for water movement ? Has anyone here modified the tank for improvements ? If so who would you recommend in the middlesex/west london area who could do this for me ?
I want to go for overkill with the maximum amount of live rock (is it possible to over do it with the live rock ?) that I can put in there for natural filtration. Would you recommend a UV filter and Ozonizer instead of the chiller plumbing ? Can I fit it all in this tank ?
I need some advice on how to set up the tank too.
This is a list of the livestock I will be adding and the list is in chronological order of how I will be setting it up.
Water - obviously
Fiji Live rock
Soft Corals - Toadstool Leather coral x 1, Nobbly Mushroom Green x 1 and red x 1, Long tentacle toadstool leather coral
Fire cleaner shrimp x 2
Scarlet leg hermit crab x 2
percula clown x 2
yellow tang x 1
coral beauty x 1
small blue throat trigger x 1 (Its reef safe I believe, please dont tell me its too big (( )
or instead of the trigger maybe a majestic angel ?
I will obviously be careful in adding the livestock so as not to over load the filtration system so may even be a year before this list is finished.
Is the order of adding stuff correct ?
Also with live rock is it best to sit it on an egg crate or straight to the bottom of the tank. WHats better for cleaning ? I understand the egg crate then u can lift it and cleanunder neath it easily ?
ALso how often for the water change is 10% a month good enough when the tank is fully mature ? Or 5% every 2 weeks when fully mature ?
I have a python water changer fill no spill for water changes.. whats the best way to use this to fill the tank back up ? I am buying an RO so can I integrate this with the Python for filling up ?
I am really confused and worried about how is the best way to get the water changes done as I suffer from a bad back.
Anyone out there have any automatic way of doing water changes for a reef tank ? Plumbing is an option so I can maybe link the ro system into this ? Suggestions ?
Sorry maybe too many questions but I am excited
Thanks all
Hi all, I have been keeping a freshwater tropical tank for half a year and am making the move to a reef tank now.
After a lot of research I have bought over the internet a black cabinet RSM 250 which will be here in 2 weeks for about £1250.00 which I know is expensive and many people will say that for the same money I could buy a different make or a custom setup but I really love the look, the quality and the cabinet and their integrated setup. Also the convenience of reasonable quality all in one. I looked at many other makes and since I am useless at any form of DIY stuff a customisation project seemed impossible for me. So this one seemed the best choice for me.
I want as low a maintenance setup as possible and having read Nightfox's review it sealed the decision for me.
My questions are as follows: Do I need an extra pump in there for water movement ? Has anyone here modified the tank for improvements ? If so who would you recommend in the middlesex/west london area who could do this for me ?
I want to go for overkill with the maximum amount of live rock (is it possible to over do it with the live rock ?) that I can put in there for natural filtration. Would you recommend a UV filter and Ozonizer instead of the chiller plumbing ? Can I fit it all in this tank ?
I need some advice on how to set up the tank too.
This is a list of the livestock I will be adding and the list is in chronological order of how I will be setting it up.
Water - obviously
Fiji Live rock
Soft Corals - Toadstool Leather coral x 1, Nobbly Mushroom Green x 1 and red x 1, Long tentacle toadstool leather coral
Fire cleaner shrimp x 2
Scarlet leg hermit crab x 2
percula clown x 2
yellow tang x 1
coral beauty x 1
small blue throat trigger x 1 (Its reef safe I believe, please dont tell me its too big (( )
or instead of the trigger maybe a majestic angel ?
I will obviously be careful in adding the livestock so as not to over load the filtration system so may even be a year before this list is finished.
Is the order of adding stuff correct ?
Also with live rock is it best to sit it on an egg crate or straight to the bottom of the tank. WHats better for cleaning ? I understand the egg crate then u can lift it and cleanunder neath it easily ?
ALso how often for the water change is 10% a month good enough when the tank is fully mature ? Or 5% every 2 weeks when fully mature ?
I have a python water changer fill no spill for water changes.. whats the best way to use this to fill the tank back up ? I am buying an RO so can I integrate this with the Python for filling up ?
I am really confused and worried about how is the best way to get the water changes done as I suffer from a bad back.
Anyone out there have any automatic way of doing water changes for a reef tank ? Plumbing is an option so I can maybe link the ro system into this ? Suggestions ?
Sorry maybe too many questions but I am excited
Thanks all