Help!- soap out of tank..


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
A friend has given me a large goldfish bowl, that I may be able to use to temporarily house a new betta. My problem is that she kept fancy little soaps in it. I have rinsed it a zillion times with extremely hot water and rubbed the insides with a cloth too. I also rinsed it with vinegar (not sure why, it just sounded like something I should do).
How can I possibly be sure that I have cleaned it enough to put a fish in it? Any suggestions?
One thing that really seems to clean glass is Baking Soda...yes like Cow Brand Baking Soda. Just put some on a damp cloth and rub over the glass and rinse well....but I don't know how that would do for the Betta, though it's really natural. Just rinse well is my thought. Soap in the tank....well I know Bettas blow bubbles but that conjures visions. Hope somebody else can help you more!

SnowyZMom B)
Vinegar is good as a cleaning product actually. My girlfriend's mom uses it all the time to clean with. After everything you've done, I think the bowl is clean. She never put wet or used soap in it, right? If it's dry there's less chance of the soap leaving a residue on the glass.
I have taken SnowyzMom's advice and also scrubbed it well with baking soda. I have rinsed it again a million times. My gut feeling says it is clean clean clean.
And no, Teelie, she never put wet soap in it, I do think you're right and it is safe.
I have filled it with conditioned water, and am going to let it set until I get to the lfs tomorrow. After all I've done, that darn betta better be as pretty as they said he will be. :lol:

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