Ok... frogs, shrimp and snails have been moved to the newly-cleaned 2.5 gallon tank. In the process we discovered that one of the frogs had died, so we're now down to 5. Now... I know this tank will cycle since it's freshly-cleaned, so we will do frequent water changes for that and the overload.
Should I treat that tank with melafix due to possible fungal infections or even just for the stress of movements and as a possible preventative of high levels due to cycling?
Can I feed them?
My husband decided to move one of the live plants back into the little tank - will this cause a problem in terms of spreading infection?
The dead frog had one eye that looked sort of fuzzy, but it was hard to tell. I assume that's fungal?
There is a LOT of stuff in the gravel that we kicked up by catching the various frogs, etc. for the other tank. Since we're treating for ich and have to take the filter out, is that going to be a problem?
I've gathered that most people think the nox-ich is the way to go... the directions say half dosage for tanks with bottom feeders and tetras, so that's what we're doing. The directions say to treat for 3 days, skip a day and then treat for 3 more days. Does that sound acceptable or should we treat for longer? And will this treatment have any affect on that really injured pleco? Also, do we feed those fish? Should we continue the daily water changes because of the high ammonia, and if so, add medication commensurate with the added new water to keep the level stable?
With respect to the RO water - is there some sort of testing kit available to check whether I need to add electrolytes? And if not, is it possible that by adding them, I might cause an over-abundance (is there even such a thing)? And will these be harmful to any of my fish?
Now - are there any other testing kits I need to get?
I have the vial tests for ammonia and nitrate. I have a strip test for ph, and another that tests ph, nitrite, nitrate, hardness, and alkalinity. I plan on getting a vial kit for the nitrite and ph since these seem more accurate. What others are necessary?
Are there any other questions I should be asking that I'm not educated enough to ask??
You guys have all been so helpful and I can't thank you enough for all this advice. I feel tempted not to ask my lps for anything anymore and just go to you guys!!