Help! Sick Betta! Not Sure Whats Wrong With Fins?

You can use a product called Melafix.Since fin rot is primarily a gram negative bacteria, try to find a medicine with a broad spectrum of treatments for both gram negative and gram positive.I am not sure how to add links yet, but just copy and paste this url into your computer search engine. I found it very imformative.I'll research some more info for you too.

Make sure you use salt!!! In my case, salt killed the ick on my fish+healed his beautiful tail with the help of Melafix.Good luck<3

how long did it take for the melafix to have an effect?? i started on wednesday and it seems to have slowed down the rot but not stopped it completely. i use the dosage it says on the bottle (5ml per 10 US gallons), should i up the dosage or something? or would that be bad for the tank
It can take up to a few weeks or even more to heal fins, depending on how serious the damage, how clean the water is, the general health of the fish...

I think Melafix and Pimafix DO make the healing progress faster (I use them together for fin healing, esp if u see signs of fungus, Pimafix is noted for fungal issues, and can help minor external bacteria infections). I got a Betta with rather tattered fins, and did nothing but keep the water clean for a week and noticed no improvement, after a week of Mela and Pimafix use, the healing taking place is quite noticeable, and I'm now going to just observe this next week and see if the healing continues as quickly without more treatment, and just a water change. If it seems much slower without, I will give him another week of treatment. I would not increase the dosage beyond the recommended amount. I have heard it used at 2x the labeled dose without ill effect, but as long as u are seeing progress at the normal dose, be glad, and let nature do it's thing :)

I wouldn't advise getting into the habit of doubling doses of medications in general to try and speed healing, some treatments can be rough on the fish. Fins heal at the rate they can heal, if u provide optimum conditions for health, and use mild treatments when needed, you should see continued improvement. If at the end of a treatment things look worse, u may want to consider a stronger treatment plan, using a different medication, not a higher dose of the failed one.
I recommend 30% waterchanges everyday for a week. No meds in this time. Make sure you are doing gravel vacs with each change. Do not overfeed. Dont use salt if you have any scaless tankmates such as cories otos or loaches. Dose the salt at one tablespoon per 10 gal to start. Be careful with your redose after a waterchange-only add enough salt back to the tank for the water you are replacing.
I never recommend melafix or betta fix with bettas. Other remedies work better with similar results, and I have personally had bad results with melafix.
best of luck. Dont doubt the benefits of lots of waterchanges.

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