
New Member
Jul 13, 2004
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Sunny Manchester UK
Ive recently set up a 180 litre marine tank and am having trouble with my skimmer, it is an aqua medic miniflotor (is this the correct size for my tank?), i increase the air flow, the bubbles overflow into the collection cup as they should but then the cup also fills up with water rapidly and needs to be emptied i reduce the air flow but it is then not strong enough to push the bubbles far enough up, should any water be going into the cup? i have also tried adjusting the wooden air diffuser but still no joy can anybody give me some advise or recommend a good inexpensive skimmer and where to buy?

Thanks for you help :(
your skimmer is working. you need to set it so the foam just reaches the top of the cup, and then it will fill with waste into the cup.
160mgzr said:
can anybody give me some advise or recommend a good inexpensive skimmer
No such thing. If you want a good skimmer, either make your own or look into the Remora skimmers. Best bang for your buck. Spendy though.
good inexpensive skimmer

most of the good skimmers are expensive. as you are in manchester, have a look round for a second hand aquamedic turboflotter 1000multi or SL. you can normally get these for £80-£100 second hand.

ste :)
Your skimmer should be fine for your size tank (that's about 40G US right?)

Does the miniflotor have the output throttles like the T1000 does? If so then keep your airpump at max and use the throttles to adjust. You want it so the bubbles hit the top and are just visible from time to time in the collection cup. I check by lifting off the top occasionally to see if there is foam on the underside (my cup is too brown now to see through it) and if there is foam, all is good to go.

If you can upgrade to the T1000 that would be better.

But I echo what others say about either an AquaC or a Euro-reef but those are pricey. No such thing as a cheap skimmer of good quality unless you DIY.

Prisms? :rofl:
Thanks guys, your advice really helped, finally got skimmer working properly. cannot believe the "crap" it gets out - "orrable" brown stuff !!!!.

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