Help Quick I Got In From Work And All My Fish Were At The Top Of Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
manchester england
my ph is at 7.0 my ammonia is at 0 ppm my mitrite is at 0.25 ppm but my nitrates were between 20 - 40 ppm so im in the process of doing a 50% water change but what caused this iv add a piece of bogwood saturday night did this make a diifference please help.....
my ph is at 7.0 my ammonia is at 0 ppm my mitrite is at 0.25 ppm but my nitrates were between 20 - 40 ppm so im in the process of doing a 50% water change but what caused this iv add a piece of bogwood saturday night did this make a diifference please help.....
did u soak the bog wood frist? some toxines are found in bog wood. the outher thing i can think of is oxigon do u have a air stone it the tank? or does the filter return brack the surface?
bogwood should not have any effects on the tank. it may release tannins that turm the water a tea colour but this is infact good for fish, it also may soften and help lower pH slightly but loads will be required so we can count that out. the wood may have been dirty as it will have been sat around at the lfs in a tub or on a shelf but a quick rinse will get this off. did you get the wood from your lfs? is it aquatic wood?

if the tank is showing nitrites then i would say its to do with this as its deadly poisonous to fish even in such low amounts. you are doing the right thing by the water change, leave it an hour then retest to see if its all ok again.

how long has the tank been set up? was the tank cycled? if so have you added any recent fish to play with the bioload of the filter causing a mini spike?
Funny you should mention that. Mine have started doing the same today. Ive connected a piece of airline to the power head inside the juwel filter to add extra oxygen into the water and they have come back down to the middle where they normally are
i have an air stone in there and finished my water change going to wait now to see if it has changed but i cant think if i did clean it or not and it is aquatic wood got it from abbys in stockport but the fish have come down so fingers crossed :/
How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
What test kit are you using.

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