I don't know the quantity she added, just that she put the fish in a big, half-filled bowl and then she put the MB and water turned all blue (I saw the water, it was pretty darkish, I didn't ask how much she put in it but it looked like someone poured a tub of ink in it...)Well, the friend I got my first fish from said that when she tried to use that on a fish for whatever illness I don't remember, she said that she might have held the fish too long in it and it died.Methylene Blue is basically harmless unless massively overdosed. Now potassium permanganate that's another story. You could keep fish in 3ppm of MB for a very long time.
Maybe they were doing a dip at approx 50ppm, only 10 seconds is the limit. I've done that and the fish was fine afterwards. The problem with nitrIte poisoning is that the fish hangs on just like someone with cystic fibrosis. As long as the fish rests, it gets enough oxygen to survive. As soon as it stresses (like when being caught) it can die suddenly from lack of oxygen. I use MB in combination with other meds, it's nice like that and doesn't react with any other medications.
The fish was a big betta, don't remember what the problem was though, definitely not related to nitrite but more like fungus or something. It was still swimming when I arrived there, but died pretty quick and she said it was swimming fine before the dip.
It turns the water dark blue, like tidy bowl blue even at 3ppm. At 50ppm you don't want your fish getting out of the dip net or you will never see it even in a small container. You can hardly see thru a full size tank at 3ppm. That's sad about her experience because MB is a great med that has some real potential and it's generally safe to use. I highly recommend to read up on it, you might be surprised at how useful it is. Of course, like most real medications it will kill the biological filter so keep it in a hospital tank, plus it stains things blue.