Help Please


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
From the beginning. Introduced fish on 3-19-04 with 6 Platies and 6 Zebra Danios (55g). Since than I have lost and I mean lost 3 Zebra Danios. I have no idea where they went. As of recently brown algea has accumulated pretty nicely all over the surface of plants, substrate, and ornaments. Water is still nice and clear though so is the glass of the tank. I feed once a day and keep the lights on about 12 hours a day. the temp is at a constant 79 degrees. I haven't cleaned or done any water changes b/c of cycling. I have had about 2.5 inches of evaporation. I haven't added any water either. When I set up the tank i didn't use any bacteria but the other day I added some. My current readings are
NirtrAtes (between 5 and 10)
If anyone could commment on anything that I am doing or not doing and also the condition of my tank(brown algea). It would be appreciated. Oh 3 of the Platies are pregnant. I don't have another tank and can't afford one so I am upset b/c of the environment the babies will be born into. Well thanks for reading hope to hear from all of you.
If you have fish in your tank i would get some water changes done to bring your ammonia and nitrite down it wont stop the tank cyclin only slow it down a little if anything ,if your fish have gone missing i would imagin the ammonia and nitrite have killed them off and are possibly stuck under ornaments/plants or rocks some where in the tank.I would do some 20-25% water changes till your water perams become stable so your fish dont suffer any more during the cyclin process.Remember to dechlorinate the fresh water you put in there.
HTH :)
Yes I must agreee! Having any sort of amonia reading, is bad for the fish. Your nitrite level isn't too high, but its only because your in the beginning of your cycle.

Please start doing 25% water changes twice a week. It will not stop the tank from cycling, but it will help your fish tremendously!

And as mentioned above, I would look every where in your tank even the filter for your missing danios, as they are most certainly dead and will pollute the tank and cause levels to spike if they are not removed!

good luck!
Thanks for the advice. I did the water change and alittle area of vacuuming. I added the dechlorinater. I will test the water tomorrow to let it stabilize and post the results. As for the fish I moved gravel,plants,rocks, and plants. I opened the filter up and there are still no fish to be found. I have been thinking that perhaps they could've been eaten? I don't know. I will continue the search to find the Danios. Actually I said that there were 3 missing it turns out to be only 2. Thanks again all.
Well that is a mystery then. I highly doubt they got eaten though. How long have they been missing for? Perhaps they already decayed????

EDIT: Did you happen to check the floor around and behind the tank? maybe they jumped?
LOL. Well i guess they could have decayed :) . I will check behind the tank but I always have it covered so I doubt it. They have been missing for a few weeks now. A friend of mine came over not too long ago and he looked for them. He couldn't find them either. I don't know maybe he ate them. I figure if they are in there somewhere with weekly water changes and vacuuming i will find them sooner or later.

P.S. I said b4 that some of the platies were pregnant. How long till babies?

thanks for the replies :hyper:
Just tested the water.
NitrAtes went up to 20 so I will do another water change
Nitrites are at 0.3
Amonia is 0.4
I am hoping that since amonia is going down that the cycle is almost done YEAH! MORE FISH!!!
Alot more brown algea has appeared though, hoping it will go away

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