Help Please!

Do you feed him a pea once a week and give him a fast day ?
well, he is still alive!! :nod:
He was lying on top of a leaf near the surface so he has actually made it off the bottom, he flared at me while i was inspecting him.
Loraxchick, i cant see any sign of parasites on his gills.
He still looks quite lethargic, will monitor him through the day.
well, he is still alive!! :nod:
He was lying on top of a leaf near the surface so he has actually made it off the bottom, he flared at me while i was inspecting him.
Loraxchick, i cant see any sign of parasites on his gills.
He still looks quite lethargic, will monitor him through the day.
Isnt it good that he flared? Because hes putting in effort to do so. I would try him with some food this morning and then leave him all day to rest and then try a ittle food tonight. good luck with him xx
well, it certainly is good that he's still alive. and good that there are no obvious signs of disease. keep your eye out for his poop and see what it looks like. for now all you can do is keep clean water and wait and observe. keeping a towel; or similar over the tank to darken it will help cut down on stress. make sure you test the water everyday to make sure it is perfect for him. i would offer him his favorite food once a day and if he doesnt eat it, remove uneaten stuff and try again the next day. if he does accept food dont stuff him. just feed as you would normally.
does he look thin? (and not just from not eating for a couple of days. i mean does it look as if he is starting to look like he is sunken in? that would be internal parasite-coupled with strange looking poo if you see any).
have you recently had any sort of rescape in his tank? ANY addition or movements of plants or ornaments?
lets just hope he's a bit under the weather. fish can be "off" sometimes just like any other animal due to some sort of illness they are fighting...doesnt necessarily mean it's life threatning, which i hope is the case for you.
how is his coloration today? same? better? worse?
keep us posted with any new info!
all the best.
well, it certainly is good that he's still alive. and good that there are no obvious signs of disease. keep your eye out for his poop and see what it looks like. for now all you can do is keep clean water and wait and observe. keeping a towel; or similar over the tank to darken it will help cut down on stress. make sure you test the water everyday to make sure it is perfect for him. i would offer him his favorite food once a day and if he doesnt eat it, remove uneaten stuff and try again the next day. if he does accept food dont stuff him. just feed as you would normally.
does he look thin? (and not just from not eating for a couple of days. i mean does it look as if he is starting to look like he is sunken in? that would be internal parasite-coupled with strange looking poo if you see any).
have you recently had any sort of rescape in his tank? ANY addition or movements of plants or ornaments?
lets just hope he's a bit under the weather. fish can be "off" sometimes just like any other animal due to some sort of illness they are fighting...doesnt necessarily mean it's life threatning, which i hope is the case for you.
how is his coloration today? same? better? worse?
keep us posted with any new info!
all the best.
he wont eat at all, he's not sunken in, just thin all over, he's worrying me even more today, if i disturb him he swims a little but bumps into things, i held a bloodworm right infront of him & it was like he couldnt see it, but i guess he could smell it, so if he wanted it i guess he would have grabbed at it?
His eyes look black, Jacks are black but they have a clear lense over them, his are just black, may be a silly question but can fish go blind??
He flared this morning when i inspected him, think i made him jump!!
His tank hasnt changed, apart from water changes which he is used to.
I feel totally helpless for him, i dont want to lose him but also i dont want him to suffer!
wish i could take him out & cuddle him lol
His colour hasnt changed.
Thanks for going through this with me :) i know he's 'just a fish' but he's one of the family!!!
No, Hes not just a fish. Hes part of you and your family. I have said that phrase alot 'hes just a fish' but really to me its not just a fish its like a best friend or a campanion. I dont know how to explain it without sounding stupid. But i know what you mean, best of luck with him!
Im sorry to say i found him dead this morning
Thankyou for all the help
RIP littl'un x
im so sorry to hear that. diagnosis and treatment of disease isnt always black and white. im sorry that i couldnt have helped more:( ffrpm your descri[tion i dont think he was blind. the lens of the eye normally goes cloudy...never heard of black. i suspect that was just normal coloration. i would suspect he had internal parasites (worms or bacterial) which lead to his thinness and lethargy and unwillingness to eat. im so very sorry for your loss:(
all the best.
Thanks, the table looks so bare now without his tank...
Thinking about putting my 2 betta imbellis in it, male & female, what do you think??
They are in my community tank at the moment, would 20 litres be too small for two of them?
So sorry for your loss ((((hugs))))

it's a bit small for imbellis hun - what are the dimensions - as footprint more important
If its 18" you could use it as a breeding tank for them - can give you tips on breeding them if you like?
Otherwise i would leave it empty until you find another nice girl or boy to house in there

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