Help Please!


Fish Crazy
Jun 22, 2009
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Hi, my youngest betta who is approx 6 months now has become lazier than usual. He spends almost all his time under his bogwood, which didnt worry me too much a first until today when i found him laying next to it completely motionless and he has gone really pale, almost white, he is usually pale blue & pink.
sorry i can't get a photo to upload it says they are too big??
I fed him his favourite food, blood worm and he hasnt touched it, i have tried the pea trick incase he is constipated and he wont touch that either.
His tank mates were 3 corys which i moved out 3 days ago incase they were stressing him but has made no difference.
He is in a 20litre tank with heater & filter on low.
All parameters are perfect.
My other betta is in the same size tank with the same contents and he is wizzing round like a loony!!!
where has he gone pale mine did on its moutn and head when it had mouth funguse. and corys need to be kept in groups of atleast 4 so you could do with getting atleast 1 more. i i though you said they where in the same tank and then i read it again and realised you said same size tank.
any other signs of illness other than being lethargic and losing color? might sound silly but is the heater functioning? any recent additions? could any chemicals inadvertently gotten into the tank (ie air freshener, etc.)
do a large waterchange and keep an eye out for anything else that might be helpful (shimmying, flicking/rubbing on objects, white stringy poop, lesions or spots, cottony growth, etc).
best of luck!
he is laying on his side 'panting' now, there are no signs of white spots or growths, (ive just lost a clown fish & yellow goby to that) he is just pale all over, he is realy thin too, not eating his food at all.
The heater is working fine & his filter is doing its job too, set on low so its not too stronger current.
I did a 50% water change two days ago, there is no way any chemicals could have got in, the lid is tight fitting & i never spray polish or any other chemicals near my tanks.
drop the water level down to about 4" so its easyer for him to get to the surface for air.
ok, will drop the water for him, have managed to get a pic with my web cam, sorry its not too good.
He is lying next to the bogwood near the middle...


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it dosnt look good :no: . have you tryed feeding him bloodworn he might go for it if its moving.
This is what shimmer did, out of the blue he just got pale lips and slightly pale body and just sat around he died within 12 hours as it was night i couldnt get anything, i really hope your betta will be ok soon.
have tried bloodworm, he is not interested, i have lowered the water level as advised so he hasnt got to far to go to get air, although he doesnt seem to be doing that either.
Thankyou all so much for your advise, its just a waiting game now i guess.
Will keep you informed.
shine a flashlight on him in a darkened room and see if you see reddish spots on him...that would be velvet. but hes not flicking against anything. just an idea.
does he look particularly thin? could be internal parasite if so. also look REALLY close at his gills. are there any little parasites (gill flukes) attached? does his slime coat seem thick or raised? do an overhead view. is there pineconing? have you seen him poop lately? if so is it normal or white/stringy?
just thinking of anything for you to look for.
keep us posted.
shine a flashlight on him in a darkened room and see if you see reddish spots on him...that would be velvet. but hes not flicking against anything. just an idea.
does he look particularly thin? could be internal parasite if so. also look REALLY close at his gills. are there any little parasites (gill flukes) attached? does his slime coat seem thick or raised? do an overhead view. is there pineconing? have you seen him poop lately? if so is it normal or white/stringy?
just thinking of anything for you to look for.
keep us posted.
I can see no red spots on him, i havent seen him poop lately...
Will let him rest tonight as ive been poking around and disturbing him alot today, will try and get a close look at is gills tomorrow morning, just looking at him as he is all i can see is the change in his colouring, from above scales look smooth so i dont think he has dropsy.
He seems to have stopped 'panting' could that be because i have dropped the water levels?
Not looking forward to looking in his tank in the morning :(

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