Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
Hi im new to keeping fish, i have had a 60 litre tropical tank for around a month now as i was pulling my air filter out to give it a clean i accidently opened it in the fishtank and all the crap and muck from the filter is now in my tank this happened about 30 mins ago and now i dont know what to do, i was going to change the water but i have no chemicals to treat it, please help!
The gunk in the filter is not toxic to fish, it's just a little irritating. You need to buy a good water treatment, such as Aquasafe or Prime, and do a gravel vac & water change as soon as possible.
thanks man thats a relief, Oh btw when i do a water change can i for eg: Have a bucket/big jug fill it with tap water then use say 1 capfull of water treatment then just add it to the tank?

Also i have had some live plants in the tank ever since i have had the fish but they seem to be dying every morning i wake up theres dead plants floating on the top of the water, is this something to be concerned about?
As long as one capful is the proper amount for that quantity of water you can do that. I know one capful of prime treats 50 gallons, so make sure of the amount you are dosing. All but my fry tanks get filled with a hose, adding water conditioner on the fly.

Dying plants mean either not enough light, not enough food, or some sort of problem with the water. I don't know squat about plants, I breed fish in bare bottomed tanks, so you are better off asking that one in the plants & planted tanks section.
In what quantities are they dying for you and what plants are you keeping?
i only had 4 plants to be honest i havent a clue what they are called, but i was worried it might be the water causing the plants to die, i went to my local aquarium and had my water tested they said it was fine so im really not sure...

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