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New Member
Feb 12, 2006
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i am also new to fish kepping

ok the problem is that i dont no wat tanks to get

i no i want a 2.5 gallon betta tank that i cant kepp bettas in
thats for sure

heres my 2 plans

2.5 gallon betta tanks
10 gallon tank
around 10 neon tetra

37 gallon tank
semi agresssive tank


2.5 gallon betta tanks

75 gallon tank
with all kinds of fish

which one
i no a little about fish ive been reading about them for about 2 months

should i go right to the 75 gallon tank???people tell me that the smaller the tank the harder it is to take care of

tell me wat u would do

i am also new to fish kepping

ok the problem is that i dont no wat tanks to get

i no i want a 2.5 gallon betta tank that i cant kepp bettas in
thats for sure

heres my 2 plans

2.5 gallon betta tanks
10 gallon tank
around 10 neon tetra

37 gallon tank
semi agresssive tank


2.5 gallon betta tanks

75 gallon tank
with all kinds of fish

which one
i no a little about fish ive been reading about them for about 2 months

should i go right to the 75 gallon tank???people tell me that the smaller the tank the harder it is to take care of

tell me wat u would do

I would go with the 75g and a 10g(quarentine). I would "fishless cycle" both tanks for 3 weeks or more using ammonia drops. You can do aquascaping during the fishless cycle.

I would then SLOWLY buy fish for the 75g but keep them in the 10g for a quarantine period. (longer if they are wild caught)
I have been keeping fish for a few years and can say that you should go straight to the 75 gallon. In the end you will thank your self. Since it is more cost effective.

Also, smaller tanks are not hard to take care of. They just require a few more minutes of work. All tanks need maintainence sooner or later, you might as well do it and not get lazy.

Just my 2 cents
thank u so much

so i should get a 10 gallon quarintene tank

well wat exactly should i do with it??

With a 10 gallon quarentine you can get from petco.

You would want to put no substrate in, just some rocks for hiding, good filter, such as the lower class aqua clear filters made by hagen, purchase them at petsmart if you can, much cheaper since they do price checks.

And also make sure the filter output is a bit overkill, since you want this tank to be sparkeling, the Aqua clear 150 is rated for 200 gallons, and should be quite sufficient.
o thanks

but wat do i do with it

do i put sick fish in it
do i put new fish that i just got in it
do i ______________????

how do i use a quarintine tank?
Well since your just starting out you don't need to put new fish in there. When you stock your main tank and down the road a fisg gets ill you would want to put him in the quarry. so he gets better. Or if you buy fish that look sick apon closer inspection than you would put him in the quarry
yea its much easier and cheaper too in the long run to get a quarentine tank. treating 10 gal of water is a whole lot better than treating 75 gal. i made the mistake of not getting a quarry and i had a hell of a cost to med the tanks. since the fish just kept getting each other sick. :crazy: :( :crazy: so in the end i finally got them all feeling well but it took about $150 - $200 US in meds. i would buy a fish put it in the tank and BOOM my whole tank was sick. in the quarry you can further investigate a fish before contaminating your main tank.
Thank u so much that helped a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now for the second part-

wat to stock my 75 gallon tank with ....

i like oscars but i understand that they cant live in my tank for ever
i also like large plecos

wat else would go good???

thank u
Well If I were you try getting 2-4 2 inch cichlids, try Orange ones, and electric blues. I remember starting my 74 gallon with that. They were healthy all the way and still alive. They have grown a lot since than though.

You might want to buy oscars when they are aroun an inch or two. There great and can eact small fish once in a while. But they grow quite fast within the first 2 yars.
Well If I were you try getting 2-4 2 inch cichlids, try Orange ones, and electric blues. I remember starting my 74 gallon with that. They were healthy all the way and still alive. They have grown a lot since than though.

You might want to buy oscars when they are aroun an inch or two. There great and can eact small fish once in a while. But they grow quite fast within the first 2 yars.

these orange and electric blue cichlids your on about sound like african cichlids which are meant for species tanks only.

oscars are no good either if you want a community tank.

things like, kribs, gouramis, rams, and all the tetras etc are good for community tanks.
A siamese tiger fish, a few tin foil barbs, a nice pleco and some sorta catfish on the bottom. Maybe a sonydontis or a few pictus catfish would look excellent and be a good tank for a mild-aggresive community sorta tank.

A community tank would be good with clown loaches, pengasius catfish or 2, some neons tetras or cardinal tetras, pleco, some corydoras or one catfish (sonydontis maybe?)
Also, a good pointer when keeping neon tetras...KEEP IT WELL PLANTED!! :sly: Its the best looking way to keep them! :D

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