help please! My goldfish is sick :(


New Member
Dec 17, 2016
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A year or so ago we lost a fish to dropsy. Her entire body was pineconed. She was unable to eat swim. Terrible...

Well our other fish has had a rough month! About a month ago I found her upside down on top of the water. I thought she passed and when I bent down to look at her she flipped around and swam off. It couldn't keep her balance. I searched it. And came to the conclusion it was swim bladder. I fasted her and fed her peas. She immediately was better.

A couple weeks later I noticed a raised bump on top of her right behind the gill cover. I started treating the water with pimafix and melafix. Bump didn't really disappear but got a little smaller. So last sun we notice she's super bloated and starting to pinecone. (Nothing like my previous fish) she's only bloated at the front half of her body. And that's the only place the scales are sticking out. And not even fully sticking out... so we followed the directions of erythromycin. She's in a 3.5 gal tank and I put half a packet of the antibiotic into the water for 2 days (without the filter in) did a 25% water change then gave the antibiotic for 2 more days. Along with starting kenaplex with her food for 3 days. On the second day her swelling had gone down a little around the face. Stomach still looked buldged. Scales still pineconing a little. Well she is now done with both antibiotics and I'm not quite sure what to do.

It has been 6 days. She looks exactly the same as day 2... she just had a water change and the filter put back in. She is still fully active and eating. Should I do another treatment? How often can I give these meds without injuring her further? Please helps us help our pinkie pie!


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These 2 pictures were on day one...


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This picture was day 2


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And this is from today.


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