Help Please, How To Tell If Bronze Corydoras Eggs Are Fertile


Mostly New Member
Jan 31, 2016
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I have read up on Google alot on this BUT I need clarification I cant seem to find! 
-To my understanding fertile eggs turn a light beige or tan eventually? and non fertile have a white center and turn white in the first day or so? (this Ive seen alot)
 How long after being laid do they turn brownish and is it obvious or is it just a slight color change?
What is throwing me off is I have some eggs that are white but most are not.. although they do not appear tan in color they have nothing in them...If they were infertile they would be turning white wouldnt they? 
It has only been 1 day I would love any advice on how to tell if the eggs are fertile or not and if they always turn tan.
Thank you for your time. I am starting to think I have "Dud" Corys but I have got 1 total surprise fluke baby from them a year ago that I did absolutely nothing for.
I have always found that viable fertile eggs turn a tan colour within a day or two and often gradually get darker. Any eggs that stay white will generally quickly grow fungus which can quickly and easily spread to even the fertile eggs.
The best way I have found to care for the eggs and raise the fry is to carefully scrap the eggs off the glass and if they are on leaves of plants remove the leaves. To scrape the eggs I have tried a credit card (didnt work so well), a razor blade (works a treat but be careful) or I have seen plastic scrapers from hardware stores that also work well. Once the eggs have been collected I put them in a suspended breeding net near the filter return. The sticky eggs that where scraped off the glass I carefully scrape onto some plant life that I have put in the suspended net. Some moss like Java moss works well as a first plant that the eggs can be attached to in the net, any eggs already on leaves can just be put straight in the net.
The reason I position the net near the filter return is so that the eggs get a constant flow of water around them to prevent fungus taking hold. Fry I usually leave in the net until they are obviously little catfish and not tiny little specks.
Usually I find the adult catfish will leave the fry alone, but if the tank is well planted the fry will find safe places to hide and feed up and eventually you will see little miniture catfish coming out and joining the feeding fray.
Hello tlynn and welcome to the forum. I can share some photo's so you can see for yourself what should happen over the next few days

Those are viable panda cory eggs but the process is the same for all cories. If the eggs are viable they will gradually darken over about 4 days. They will then begin to hatch and will look like this


Hope that helps you :)
Awesome thank you both so much for replying!!!! :)
So if there is still no sign of white do you think the eggs are probably fertile?!  I will wait and hope they darken,
I have really good air flow on them so my main concern is that these fish are not fertilizing them :( I really hope not. I have 1 Female with 4 Males so i think there is a good chance I will eventually get some viable eggs! 
I lost the first batch to fungus, the 2nd batch was small and i think Duds. Hoping third times a charm! I didnt even encourage it this time they decided to do it all on their own so maybe thats a sign :p
Thanks again! Its nice to be able to ask questions to fellow fish people for once. I dont have any fish people friends in my life lol. Ive bred lots of live bearers and a couple bubble nest builders but this is my first go at egg layers. After I get my fill of this i wanna do a bubble nest builder again theyre very neat to breed.
the eggs will start to darken after about 24/36 hours. Sometimes you can see the yolk sac. I still look at some eggs and can't see the yolk sac though and think it's a dud only for it to darken and be the first to hatch!
For fungus you could try adding a drop or two of meth blue but do this in a seperate container as meth blue stains perminently! When I have cory eggs I normally cut down a pop bottle, add the eggs to it with an air stone on fairly high and then suspend the pop bottle in the tank to keep it's temp right. By doing it this way you stain a pop bottle blue and not the tank. You can reduce the meth blue over the four/five day gestation of the eggs with tiny water changes so by the time they hatch the meth blue is hardly there
Thanks again to all of you who helped me. You knew what you were saying, So happy to Announce I have 2 fry so far and counting I think they just started hatching as I kept checking all day but just got home from work to find 2 little ones. Theres about 20 eggs you can see the lil black bodies in so Im hopeful most are alive.

SO STOKED. 3rd times a charm.

Now challenge 2 raising them.
yes, keeping them alive is the hard part. 
One thing for certain that you need is a sponge filter as this acts as a feeding station aswell as a filter. It's also a nice gentle filter as these guys are weak to begin with. When you do a water change either catch them (I use a turkey baster to catch them) and remove them or allow fresh water to trickle down the side of the tank through a piece of airline tubing.
I'd also look to add large clumps of java moss for them to feed from. It's also somewhere to add liquifry to that will create microscopic stuff for them to eat. You could try adding some leaf litter which also creates microscopic stuff for them to eat.

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