Help Please, Dont Think Its Whitespot And The Babies Have It Too Now


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2009
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Can some one offer advice on waht it may be and how to treat please?

I think we have a similar problem to shelahfishface <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

A couple of our clown loach and a tetra or two had what appeared to be white spot, so we ran a couple of treatments, with carbon and water changes and a few weeks in between. We did a couple as the first treatment seemed to clear most of it, except for one of the clowns.

A blotchy 'Spot'

A very skinny 'Noobie' and blotchy Spot

In the mean time our anicstrus fry hatched out, so we moved them to a fry tank.

Unfortunately we lost a few ancistrus fry to a nitrite spike but the rest seemed really healthy and got over it.

The anicstrus fry are in a fry tank with no substrate, a small piece of bogwood and a potted amazon sword. We seem to lose 2 every day or two, they're just dead in the morning. And they appear to be covered with lumps. They're too small to really see whats going on, but could it be white spot or fungal?


I think it may not be white spot as we had treated that, but one of our clowns still has signs of white patches on it, nothin else in the main tank does.

I dont want to lose anymore fish, and my wife expects me to know all the answers so can some please suggest anything to try / treat with?

Can't make out much in the pics.
Did you you full dose of the whitespot med.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.

White patches can be columnaris. They will look a greyish white and fluffy, or just bleaching beneath the skin.

If you are still using the whitespot med add some pimafix as you can use that with parasite meds.
The clown loaches still have whitespot and are covered in excess mucous. One of them (fish on left in 2nd pic) looks like it might be developing a bacterial infection around the tail, (it looks a bit damaged).

I can't tell anything with the bristlenose pic, sorry.

What did you use to treat the loach tank and did you use a full dose of medication, or only a half dose?

Clown loaches are notorious for developing whitespot at certain times of the year. If you can treat it and get rid of it, then you should be fine and have no more problems with it unless you reintroduce it.
oh im so sorry to hear this, i certainly hope you have much more luck than i did with it, looks very similar indeed to what mine had :(

all the best
shelagh xxx
There's no flicking or rubbing, nothing else in the tank has any symptoms at all

We treated full does for the full course twice in all.

We used
Waterlife Protozin white spot and fungus - full does, full course
Interpet No6 Anti Whitespot - full dose, full course
Temperature was increased a couple of degrees

All courses were followed by a hearty water change and a run of charcoal in the filter

We have now got some melafix and primafix to treat any possible fungal / bacterial infection
I think I would try a bacterial med first and see how it goes.
Can you suggest one? Will melaifx do or is there a better one?
Whats your location.
Mealfix is only good on cuts and wound.
Sorry you gave your location away with the meds you used.

Anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
Let us all know how he gets on.
Good Luck.
how are they doing?

i noticed my last clown loach had spots, tho wasnt looking ill, so just left him alone, didnt add anymore meds, today hes looking fab, no spots...have no idea what happend :/

i hope yours are getting better

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