
New Member
Apr 2, 2023
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Hi months ago i had giant vallis and i inserted a plant nutrient stick in the gravel. later on i removed the giant vallis and i forgot about the nutrient stick buried in the gravel
half an hour ago i was sifting my hand in the gravel to see if i have snails and BANG !!!! i bust the nutrient stick ( its like a tablet powdery ) anyway BOOM !!! stick bust entire 10 gal tank became cloudy
my old fashioned corner box filter seems to be sucking up the brown powdery water

please advise on what to do next
Very worried
btw could it the buried nutrient stick that helped my anubias nana grow so fast although they still in pots ?
Do a big water change and gravel clean every day for a week to remove the nutrients.

Substrate fertilisers don't do anything for plants that aren't growing in the sand/ gravel where the fertiliser is. So Anubias on a rock or piece of driftwood isn't going to get any benefit from a substrate fertiliser. Anubias are also slow growing and don't need a lot of fertiliser. A liquid aquarium plant fertiliser is better for them.
Do a big water change and gravel clean every day for a week to remove the nutrients.

Substrate fertilisers don't do anything for plants that aren't growing in the sand/ gravel where the fertiliser is. So Anubias on a rock or piece of driftwood isn't going to get any benefit from a substrate fertiliser. Anubias are also slow growing and don't need a lot of fertiliser. A liquid aquarium plant fertiliser is better for them.
Thank you Colin, this morning most of the brown colour was seeped into my filter wool in the corner box filter.
Vacuumed & did a partial water changed and its all clean again.

Side note: Question about the fertilizer - doesn't it dissolve slowly and thereby released into the water which in turn would help the roots of the Anubias although the roots are not in the substrate, reason I am asking is because I feel my Anubias is growing very fast and healthy. I have a glass roof/hood and I dont use lighting but it gets indirect sunlight as I have a bright lounge. Just asking to understand the nutrient stick...
Some brands may do this but others (eg Seachem Flourish root tabs) do not.
What brand are the sticks you used?
The wording on the website suggests that in normal use, it will not release nutrients into the water column.
"The product is very easy to use and causes no additional water pollution."
" feed plants directly at the roots."
So the sticks will not feed plants such as anubias attached to decor or floating plants.

But in this case, where the sticks have been disturbed and pulled out of the substrate, nutrients may be released into the water which is why Colin suggested doing the water changes and substrate cleaning (if you have gravel)

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