Help picking fish


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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I asked in the characin forum about different types of tetras, but I thought I should ask here too so I could get multiple ideas. I'm getting a firemouth for my thirty gallon, which only had my pictus and one molly and one platie in it (male molly died while I was away :/ ) but was looking for a top/middle dweller fish so my tank would balance out, and they need to be at least three inches so they don't get eaten. So far I have listed as possiblities:

Congo tetras
Bengal danios
Salmon discus
False silver tetras
Danio hikari
Pearl danios
Penguin fish
Buenos Aires tetra
Dragon fin

Those are what other forum members have suggested. I asked a friend of mine and they suggested the following:

Tiger barbs
Green tiger barbs
Black ruby barbs
Australian (sp) rainbow fish
Penguin tetras
Congo tetras

I wanted something that schools, but I figured I should check out any other possibilities just in case. I was going to get a PSG but some things came up. If I could still fit one in here tell me and I'll reserve my tankspace for it :whistle: , but if not... I'll need something else. I'm grateful for any help, but don't be afraid to throw suggestions at me if you even think you have one, since I'm going to a fish store tomorrow so if I see something there I know I can't get at my lfs I'll get it while I'm there.

You could try gouramis, get a pair or trio of opaline, golden, pearl, chocolate... Theyre a top/middle dweller and add colour and activity. You could try a shoal of rummynose tetras, for tetras they grow fairly large and a shoal of them would look great. Blind cave fish, i have 3 of these and they grow to a decent size of around 4 inches, they are always active, look great together and roam about all over the tank. Rainbowfish were a good suggestion by whoever did it, i have a pair of metallic rainbows and theyre great fish. I would suggest kribs or rams but IME they stay middle/lower of the tank.

Black ruby barbs are a great fish, when spawning and when reaching maturation, they turn from a golden colour with black stripes to mainly black with a rich purple head, beautiful!

Have you considered angelfish, a trio or just a pair would look great and they tend to stay in the middle to upper regions of the tank. As your tank does not have many fish i would think angels would be ok in there.

Hope this helps.
I'm leaning towards the rainbows or black ruby barbs right now, or maybe the congos or some sort of danio, a few of the other fish would be hard to get a hold of, and it's risky because if they're too small when I get them, gulp and they're gone, and that would mean I'd keep having to get more so they're in good numbers. If I can't get the gudgeon in there I'll definetely look into these. Thanks Dman.

Wha, nobody else have ideas? I know you people love to stock tanks! :lol:

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