Help, one thing after another

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Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
West Country - England
Firstly, My tank seemed to have cycled and I got 6 new Mollys on Sunday. :D

3 Silver Molly's doing great all normal behaviour as far as I know.(one male two female) :D :D

3 Black Molly's (one male two female) When out of the bag stayed at top for 3/4 hours - then listlessly hiding behind plants ever since. :( :(

Water checks Sun am, pm, Mon am, pm, all been PH 7.8, Am 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10. All 6 fish from same tank in shop. 3 white in one bag. 3 black second bag.
Checked water from shop & that showed PH 7.4, Am 0, Nitrite 0.

One female black sometimes moves underneath the male and nudges him to move :/

Sunday evening I put in some General Tonic just incase the black molly's had some illness (its also good for stress) but no change :/

THEN TO ADD TO CONFUSION. I have come home tonight and one of my female guppies (only had her a week) is giving birth. I did not expect any babies until after 4/5 weeks (she came from a tank in shop of all females).
Most of the fry I think have been eaten but I have two or three swimming around in the filter. :nod:

She is still giving birth now, but I am not prepared and don't know what to do :dunno: :dunno:

I thought this hobby was supposed to be relaxing - Why then am I so stressed :S

P.S. i am supposed to do a water change tomorrow, but what about the poorly Molly's and I don't want to upset the babies.
ok, well about the baby guppies. sometimes, most of the time, females are bought pregnant. you can tell by a big gravid spot(black spot) at the meeting spot of the tail and body. as for the fry, just catch as many as you can and put them in a seperate tank. my fry ate flake 2 days after being born. the black mollies are not used to the tank yet, they will come out over time more and more.

I wouldnt worry about the babies right now as you will get many more in the near future. The black mollies are the most delicate of the mollies and really like clean water so i would give the water change a go.If you want future fry to live then provide lots of hiding places where the bigger fish cant get to. Fine leaved plants or densely planted areas will help. Java moss is good. HTH keep us posted. :)
i shouldnt worry these black mollies will become more brave in time.... i have a single balloon mollie in my tank that hides amongst the leaves and at the back and he seems fine and happy.
you should do a water change every week like 20 % and siphon the tank out every six months or so,
if you dont no wat this is you can make one by cuttin off the bottom of a coke bottle and attachin the top hole to a hose pipe, put the bottle in the gravel n suck the end of the hose pipe to start up the suction and it takes out all the dirt from the gravel... of course you need a bucket or summin and keep puttin the water back in but yh...... thats wat i do
I understand what to do for the water change, did loads when I was cycling. Tomorrow is my weekly one due, I was just worried about stressing out the Molly's they seem so delicate. Also when I do my water change (I was thinking 25%) I need to change my WHITE filter, this is the one that stops the big bits and gets changed weekly. If the babies are in the filter will this stress them.

:fun: :sly: :no:
I can't move them out I do not have a second tank.

As I say I was not prepared, I have been thinking of getting a small nursery tank but as yet no place to move them.

Will they be alright in the filter and I move them out when they are a bit bigger. :dunno:

p.s. tstenback - your signature is very apt for me at this moment
The filter is not a great place to raise the fry. If you dont have a tank for that then just put them in the main tank and add some floating plants or other hiding places and they may survive. If not you will be better prepared next time. I have platies in one of my tanks that have fry often but only very few survive. Its survival of the fitest in that tank and its amazing to see how smart the young fry are at hiding and getting away.
Thanks for all your help and advice guys. :D I feel a lot calmer having talked to you all.

I do have 7 plants a few are quite good (so I'm told) for babies to hide so I'll keep my fingers crossed. :sly:

I'll let you know the progress of the black molly's in the livebearers section and I'll do my waterchange tomorrow.

Great to know your all there. Thanks again :cool:

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