Help On Bee Shrimp Please


Feb 27, 2009
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i just got ONE bee shrimp... IT WAS EXPENSIVE! and im pretty sure where it lives is not suitable for it but can you guys give me some tips on what i should do? oh and by the way, its pregnant. Its in a 10gallon tank with barbs. Haha, :(, well its heavily planted, with woods, rocks, moss and a coconut shell :). Any tips on how to keep it alive? I have another tank, dont worry. When will the eggs hatch inside her stomach? How do i care for them! PLEASE HELP!
The barbs may be a problem even for an adult shrimp, depending on what species, cherry barbs may be okay but tiger or golden barbs could easily kill a bee shrimp. They prefer soft water ph of 6.5. but they can be okay with ph of up to 7.5. A temp of 20C to 25C is okay for them. If its a black bee they are more hardy than the red bee (crystal red) the babies hatch out of the eggs and eat the micro fauna that is found in any tank that has been running for a few months. Very few babies would survive in a tank with a lot of fish, the crystal red babies are very easy to see. If there is a lot of moss and hiding places then more of the babies would survive.

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