Help! Neon's Being Eaten

You can't stock a tank just on a number. You have to look at how much waste the fish create, your filtration, the size and compatibility of the fish and very importantly (and often overlooked, I find) where the fish dwell in the tank.

What does your plec look like?

Edit: Your reply came after pictures of your fish (twice) and you didn't say your were posting more information. Sorry
thanks, i didnt really think of it like that. The filter has had some of that alive bacteria put in it to help the break down on ammonia, nitrite and nitrate a week or 2 ago. would regular water changes help keep the level of waste under control or is there more i can do?

he's quite a dark colour with ligh brown spots on him. he has fan-like fins as well. could only get a picture of his belly i'm afraid!


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Yes, you need to be doing regular water changes to help remove amonia/nitrite/nitrate especially when you've added a lot of fish. This allows the bacteria in your filter and gravel to catch up. I still think you may have a problem long term though to be honest.

Oh, and if your plec looks at all like this one you might be wanting a BIG tank and filter:

yea he does look like that, what size tank do you think would be best for my fish? i dont want them to be too squashed :(

also, my gourami likes to swim about all over the tank but is usually hunting in the stones rather than being by the surface. you mentioned earlier that he should be at the top. He seems to be a little nosey and is interested in what other fish are doing and doesnt stay at the surface for long. is this normal?

thanks very much for your help, it is appreciated :D
Ok, that would be a common plec and gets to in excess of a foot long and grows quickly up to the 8" mark. Very big waste producers and I wouldn't keep one in my 5 foot tank but I think a 4ft one would be ok (providing it's more than 12" wide).

Personally, I'd take it back. :(

As for tank size, I am not sure to be honest. 3 foot might well be ok but as I have already said, all your fish are in one area. Do you feel they are overcrowded? How are your readings, do you have a good filter?
didnt realise he could grow that big! :blink: its my fault for not researching how big he could get. my dad had one that was about 5 inches but he seemed perfectly happy in a 2 foot tank, think i might up scale to a 3 foot though! The fish don't seem particularly crapmed but i think the could do with the extra foot to swim about in :)

readings are all fine i think. ammonia 0.1, nitrite 0.2, nitrate 55 and pH 7.8

sounds like a stupid question but how would i go about setting up a new tank? do i put completly clean water in it and leave it running with the filter and heater and everything for a few weeks then transfer my fish or should i leave it running but only 3/4 full then put my old water with the fish into it? worst thing i could do is try ot give my fish more room only to kill them by bad water :(
When I set up a new tank, I put in half old half new water (not for any reason other than I don't want to shock the fish too much), then install the filter and put the fish in right away. You should have already built up your good bacteria by then and you need the fish in right away to keep them fed.

The plec will get big, your Dad's was most likely stunted by it's surroundings and did not live long enough to grow properly. They get to 8" very quickly and slow after that in the right environment.

Your readings are not that fine incidently. There should be no ammonia or nitrite and your nitrate might be a bit high depending on the level in your tap water. I'd test your tap water for nitrate and do a 40% water change for a start. You might have found the cause of the neons deaths, as I said they are pretty sensitive. The stress of moving, overcrowding and ammonia and nitrite in the water may be factors.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but at least you can get it sorted. You can always PM me if you want to ask stuff and I am not around. I am not here that often.

that makes setting up a new tank a lot easier, thanks! i'll get the water tested again today, hopefully it should be better. Thanks very much for your fast replies, you've been a great help :)

the other fish seem to be geting along fine. maybe the tetra's were stressed and looked like easy prey. still, wasn't nice finding them eaten alive :-(

at least i'm wiser about it now :)
thanks again
What a horrible thing to have to deal with...poor neons. :sad: I used to have tiger barbs and when I first got them I kept two, and they used to terrorize the other fish in the tank. I was told by the pet shop that they like being and shoals, and sure enough when I bought three more they left the others alone and seemed a lot happier. Obviously you couldnt fit that amount in your tank right now, but maybe when you upscale you could get a few more barbs? Maybe the molly would like a companion too, although I dont know too much about them.

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