Help! Neon Tetra Emergency


New Member
Jan 17, 2007
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I have had one die and another is on its way out. To put it in context...

I have a small 29l aquarium which I set up and had been cycling for 2 weeks before introducing 4 neons. All were fine after a week so I added 2 more neons, 4 black neons and an amano shrimp. 5 days later I returned from a night away to find one neon decomposed in a plant and this morning, another was upside down resting under the filter. On close inspection it cannot swim and has half its tail missing. Its a sorry sight. I have removed the dead fish and now have to put the other one out of its misery.

I have inspected all the fish and it seems they have small white spots on them. Could this be the cause? I have a Tetratec 400 plus filter which I had set on the lowest setting. It has occurred to me that perhaps I should have cranked it up to cope with the additions? I now have it half way and it is pumping out lots of bubbles. Whilst this might improve the oxygen - it seems the create too strong a current for such a small tank - can these small fish cope with such currents?

Im sure all nitrate/nitrite.ammonia levels are fine but I am going to get some testing kits today. I will also ask for something for the white spots.

Could there be something I havent thought of yet? All fish were bought from garden centres and the second one I had doubts about there fish care. Is it Neon tetra disease?


I have had one die and another is on its way out. To put it in context...

I have a small 29l aquarium which I set up and had been cycling for 2 weeks before introducing 4 neons. All were fine after a week so I added 2 more neons, 4 black neons and an amano shrimp. 5 days later I returned from a night away to find one neon decomposed in a plant and this morning, another was upside down resting under the filter. On close inspection it cannot swim and has half its tail missing. Its a sorry sight. I have removed the dead fish and now have to put the other one out of its misery.

I have inspected all the fish and it seems they have small white spots on them. Could this be the cause? I have a Tetratec 400 plus filter which I had set on the lowest setting. It has occurred to me that perhaps I should have cranked it up to cope with the additions? I now have it half way and it is pumping out lots of bubbles. Whilst this might improve the oxygen - it seems the create too strong a current for such a small tank - can these small fish cope with such currents?

Im sure all nitrate/nitrite.ammonia levels are fine but I am going to get some testing kits today. I will also ask for something for the white spots.

Could there be something I havent thought of yet? All fish were bought from garden centres and the second one I had doubts about there fish care. Is it Neon tetra disease?

what is the temp of your tank?
Slowly raise the tank temp buy a few degrees this will help to kill off the white spot whilst your getting some chemicals from the lfs for it

what is the temp of your tank?
Slowly raise the tank temp buy a few degrees this will help to kill off the white spot whilst your getting some chemicals from the lfs for it


Hi - its 25. Shall I raise it to 26/27?

what is the temp of your tank?
Slowly raise the tank temp buy a few degrees this will help to kill off the white spot whilst your getting some chemicals from the lfs for it


Hi - its 25. Shall I raise it to 26/27?


raise to 26.

then when u get your whitespot treatment follow there directions on there
what is the temp of your tank?
Slowly raise the tank temp buy a few degrees this will help to kill off the white spot whilst your getting some chemicals from the lfs for it


Hi - its 25. Shall I raise it to 26/27?


raise to 26.

then when u get your whitespot treatment follow there directions on there
thanks - will do.
And buy a test kit!! You really shouldnt be running a tank with no way of checking the stats. Also neons are not good fish to cycle with as that is what you are doing. They are to sensitive.
Does NOONE cycle a new tank for over 5-6 weeks anymore??????????

I was doing daily tests, weekly water changes etc for at least a month before I went anywhere near my LFS to buy some. Then, I only added 4 black neons (which are still alive!! ) and then waited yet another month before adding more fish.

I think you have added fish far too quickly. A common mistake but hard to fix when fish start to suffer. Water change, water change, water change. Cant recommend anything else really.

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