Help Needed !


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2010
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I have a stunning blue fighting fish in my main tank. I`ve had him for about 3 months but this morning he seems to be very tired and hes holding his fins very tight to his body. I`ve since done a water change but hes still behaving the same, none of the other fish are showing any symptoms. All water levels are pretty much perfect. I also have a fighter in one of my other tanks so I put the sick fighter in a floating baby trap and put it in with the other fighter. When they saw each other Phoenix my red fighter flared all his fins and his gills but the blue on just flared his gills ( no fins )I`ve now put him back in the main tank and hes just hovering about. It would be upsetting to loose this fish as my 4 year old boy bought it with his own money and talks to it every day. Any advise would be great.
ps no fish have been added to the tank in the last month the only addition is a piece of drift wood for my clown plec which was soaked for 24 hours before putting it in.
Dude.... why the heak would you make them fight????

thats just wrong and sick. :angry:
Dude.... why the heak would you make them fight????

thats just wrong and sick. :angry:
SORRY Let me re-write I put the sick fighter in an inspection tub and floated it in the same tank as the other fighter ( not with it )as I couldnt get a close look at it in my main tank but obviously they reacted when they saw each other but my concern was the sick one didnt really react at all. Just to reiterate I only put it in the same tank ( in a seperate floating tank )to get a good look at it. I absolutely love the fish especially this one and would never do anything to harm any of them. sorry for the missunderstanding. :/
Ok, good. I thought you were crazy :crazy:

My betta does this too, just his gills. :/

What type of betta is it? I know veil tails can't really flare there fins like crowns and such.

Oh, and try not to double post. I'm going to copy/paste that last post to the other one...

Ok, good. I thought you were crazy :crazy:

My betta does this too, just his gills. :/

What type of betta is it? I know veil tails can't really flare there fins like crowns and such.

Oh, and try not to double post. I'm going to copy/paste that last post to the other one...

Sorry about the double post, new to the forum and just wanted fastest response, no need to use other one ill just read this one. The fighter is a double crown tail, or at least thats what they told me when i got him. His fins are very rounded as opposed to my red one that has very jagged fins. but the one in question usually swims very majesticaly with like a rippling motion and all its fins flowing but now its as if its got a stomach ache and all his fins are tight to his body. no signs of fin rot and colours still very vibrant.
Ok, good. I thought you were crazy :crazy:

My betta does this too, just his gills. :/

What type of betta is it? I know veil tails can't really flare there fins like crowns and such.

Oh, and try not to double post. I'm going to copy/paste that last post to the other one...


Sorry but I think you`re being a bit harsh and rude to be honest. I really don`t think there was any need to jump on LJEVs` posts like that and no-one intends to double post, sometimes it takes a while and people can think their page isn`t responding. -_-

LJEV, are there any signs on the Bettas body of anything wrong i.e spots, skin condition, bloated stomach?

Do you have a liquid testing kit? Do you by any chance have a heater in the tank and what size is the tank that your Betta is in?

Sorry for all the questions but I`m hoping we can eventually eliminate what the problem could be.

Welcome to the forum by the way B-)
Ok, good. I thought you were crazy :crazy:

My betta does this too, just his gills. :/

What type of betta is it? I know veil tails can't really flare there fins like crowns and such.

Oh, and try not to double post. I'm going to copy/paste that last post to the other one...


Sorry but I think you`re being a bit harsh and rude to be honest. I really don`t think there was any need to jump on LJEVs` posts like that and no-one intends to double post, sometimes it takes a while and people can think their page isn`t responding. -_-

LJEV, are there any signs on the Bettas body of anything wrong i.e spots, skin condition, bloated stomach?

Do you have a liquid testing kit? Do you by any chance have a heater in the tank and what size is the tank that your Betta is in?

Sorry for all the questions but I`m hoping we can eventually eliminate what the problem could be.

Welcome to the forum by the way B-)
Thanks for the welcome
as you know I have double posted this question and I`ve had a good response, the common opinion is my Betta is probably been harrased either by the angels or gourami`s as the water is testing fine No2=0 No3=10 PH=7.5 125l tank, temp 26-27C.
Fish looks fine appart from how hes holding himself ( as I said, like hes got stomach ache ( fins really tight to his body )) no fins nipped, no apparent bloatedness and colour is still a vibrant blue, if I had to be picky perhaps a bit darker than it has been. also doesn`t seem to be eating much and stays in top corner at the back of the tank which is not like him.
So if hes still arround tomorrow hes getting his very own Betta tank.
Ok, good. I thought you were crazy :crazy:

My betta does this too, just his gills. :/

What type of betta is it? I know veil tails can't really flare there fins like crowns and such.

Oh, and try not to double post. I'm going to copy/paste that last post to the other one...

I now realise the fighter is a veil tail as fluffycabbage has posted some pictures of one on the betta forum tonight and its identical. So it doesn`t wory me as much now as you said they don`t really flare their fins but hes still behaving very timidly. lets see what tommorow brings.
Sometimes it takes a post in 2 different areas to get a response ;)

Glad your Betta will be getting his own tank, Gouramis and Angels can be quite aggressive and it sounds like this has probably been the problem if all water stats are ok and there`s no actual signs of anything in particular on the Bettas body.

I bet he`ll love having some peace and quiet :good: :good:

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