Help Needed?!?!?!


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2007
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ive just looked at my fish today and one of my honey gourami is signs or sytoms i think he has only one eye so im assuming that the other honey gourami who is also a male i think may of doneit to him. is it known for two male gouramis to fight? they is no females in the tank either. any help ontryign to save him? he is swimming on his side ive removed him from the tank just to give him some space from the other fish. help needed quick i want to cry:(:(:(
What medications have you got ? Is the other tank OK - been cycling etc ? If your adding him to an un-cycled tank that probably worse.

My 2 gouramis are fine, they are both male and dont fight.

If its open cuts etc - wilder will probably be better on that than me sorry.

If your after a quick quick answer, phone your LFS and ask them ?

Good luck
What size tank is your main tank, that he was in before you moved him?
Does his belly seem bloated at all?
Have you seen him eat lately?
i put him back in the main tank that day and ive just got back today, and he is fine and before i moved him back into the the main tank he was lying on his side gasping i think another fish attacked him and i caught him in shock. he is fine now swimming with the other gourami but half his tail is missing? maybe it was my other fish fin nipping? and his eye looks okay now not missing?! its all confusing ive had my tank for a year now, its all been fine no problems at all. any ideas!?!?!
Issolate him and keep him issolated.
If fish have only just started attacking him he's ill that what fish do.
I would treat him with a bacterial med.

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