@AdoraBelle Dearheart makes a really good point about the substrate. Recently I had a fiasco with a pygmy cory and a fake plant, afterwards I rescaped the tank to be more natural for them - which caused a mini cycle. I dosed prime everyday to neutralize the ammonia and nitrites to help them get my pygmy's through the mini cycle.
For my substrate, after a bunch of reading, I chose pool filter sand with some silica in it, 50 lb bag for $10. There's a number of good options though, this was just the easiest to access in my area that was not all black or all white (all white substrate can be blinding for your bottom lvl fishys, and all black is unnatural for my species of cory). Really wanted something brown or tan like their natural streams.
The sand actually even shows the parameters it affects your water with.
It took longer, but after a super thorough rinsing I also removed a bunch of the silica with a giant cookie sheet (spread it out thinly, and gently rock the pan in a circular motion like panning for gold - the sand and silica will separate to an extent and you can remove the silica). I did this until I had about 10 lbs worth of mostly sand left, then I let it sit in a bucket with w/ old tank water for a day, conditioned that water again halfway through and stirred it thoroughly every few hours.
The pygmy's have been more playful around the tank, seem to be enjoying themselves more and my plants took really well to the filter sand, doing better than ever after adding a root tab.
Hope this helps!