Help Needed New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 15, 2008
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hi, me and my bf have recently brought a 60 litre tank with attached filter. 1 week after we went to get some fish
got sold 7 neon tetra and bristle nose, all in the tank was good,
neon swam up the side of tank inbetween filter and died.
neon found dead on day 4
neon again died on day 4
Now down to 4 neons and bob the bristle nose/
The neon that went up the filter is stuck down side of glass, cant ever get him out due to design of tank the filter is glued on and u cant get down the back.
someone anyone help.
Bad advice from the lfs.
Neon tetra are not cycling fish and there not that many fish that can handle a cycling tank as it burns there skin and gills.
Immediate water change and read up on the nitrogen cycle.
Also increase aeration.

Go to new to the hobby members will help you out and take you through it step by step.

Just copy and paste your thread here.
Id try very hard to remove the dead neon, if you leave him he'll rot and cause all sorts of problems. Try a ruler or a cocktail stick
Sadly there the worst fish you could have added to a newly set up tank.
You got alot to learn about fish keeping, as some lfs don't have the knowledge so have to learn it all yourself.
Also research the fish before you buy.
You will get alot of help over in new to the hobby.
hi, thanks all, its hard to explain the set up
the fish tank has the filter glued on when we got it, so there is 10mm gap down the corner of the tank that the neon swam up. i tried a kebab stick to push him down and i managed to push him to bottom and get him stuck against background ( wall effect we brought and stuck on) now the kebab stick is stuck and so is dead neon, no way on earth of getting either out. its been expensive hobby so far.
Its it a juwel tank.
Post in tropical discussion about getting the fish out it happened the other week to some member on here a fish getting stuck behind the background.
Had the same tank once,
There replying to your other thread ask them about the background and how to get the fish out.
Never had backgrounds so can't help you.
I have seen many people doing this. Setup new tank and get lots of neons (as they look very pretty). Recently one of my colleague did it and most of his neons died. I asked him to check his water chemistry and found out that the ph was very high around 8.4 This was one of the main reasons the fish did not survive.

I would suggest not to get tempted and buy more fish at the moment. Let your tank settle down. Do weekly water changes and keep an eye on the ph specially if the ph of water in your area is high.

Once the tank is settled buy a couple of fish at a time and slowly introduce them to you tank.

Hope everything works out for you.
another neon stuck up the filter side today
i rang a5 aquatics where i got tank and they cant do anything apart from say get fish out!!!!
they are stuck up the side of a juwel tank!!!!!! someone help
i would get silicone the gap or silicone some net accross the gap to stop it after you get the neons out. the get a new filter. a fluval 2+ or 3+ internal will do and cycle that. use some media out of the juwel filter, you might have to cut it up a bit but it will be ok. then leave everything for a week or 2 so the new filter cna gain bacteria. then get a knife and cut the 4 blobs of silicone on the juwel bit +the net you put up and then remove the whole thing.
Did you preform a water change.
Sorry about the loss. Yeah try to learn the basic first. And yes this hobby can get very expensive. I lost a lot of fish and money to learn the hobby too. However there are products that can speed up the process of cycling the tank for you.
I posted some recommend products on the Bacterial Additives. And I did tests on them (not research). However if you want to save money, you can follow the instruction on this website and wait for months to cycle the tank.

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