I'm not trying to tell you to ignore your father I'm just warning you that we may have differing opinions and you will have to tell the difference between who is right and wrong.
Yes you can take the fish back tommorow. You may want to call and ask first because if you get turned away then your fish will not appreciate sitting in a bag for that long. But I would think you are more likely to get what you want if you go in with fish in hand. Like I said the decision is up to you.
Your LFS (local fish store) may or may not tell you about cycling. See it's very complicated but LFS have this method of making money. But we won't get into that tonight. PM me some time and I'll rant to you for a while.
They may or may not have Bio Spira. If they try to shove something else on you then look for an expiration date. If there is no expiration date or they do not keep it refrigerated then pass on it. It's not much good.
Yes buy test kits as soon as possible. Get the liquid kind, the test strips are from what i've heard hard to read and hard to interpret.
I am more than happy to help you with anything that I can. But remember I have only been at this for 3 months so my information is limited. EDIT: although I am amazed at the amount of info I have learned in that time. If I don't know an answer then I will try to find one of my friends on here who can help you.
Do you know how to PM through TFF?
edit: if you do move your fish then you may want to put them in a plastic bag inside of a brown paper bag. This should help keep the sun off of them and help moderate the temp in the bag.
Yes you can take the fish back tommorow. You may want to call and ask first because if you get turned away then your fish will not appreciate sitting in a bag for that long. But I would think you are more likely to get what you want if you go in with fish in hand. Like I said the decision is up to you.
Your LFS (local fish store) may or may not tell you about cycling. See it's very complicated but LFS have this method of making money. But we won't get into that tonight. PM me some time and I'll rant to you for a while.
They may or may not have Bio Spira. If they try to shove something else on you then look for an expiration date. If there is no expiration date or they do not keep it refrigerated then pass on it. It's not much good.
Yes buy test kits as soon as possible. Get the liquid kind, the test strips are from what i've heard hard to read and hard to interpret.
I am more than happy to help you with anything that I can. But remember I have only been at this for 3 months so my information is limited. EDIT: although I am amazed at the amount of info I have learned in that time. If I don't know an answer then I will try to find one of my friends on here who can help you.
Do you know how to PM through TFF?
edit: if you do move your fish then you may want to put them in a plastic bag inside of a brown paper bag. This should help keep the sun off of them and help moderate the temp in the bag.