Help Needed If Possible


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
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I wonder if anyone can help me

When I turned the light on in my tank this morning, I noticed that it looked really mirky, on closer inspection there was a huge amount of what I can only describe as dust like particles in the water.

these were being pushed around the tank by the filter, however when they settled they seemed to move around slowly in a manner that only fish can??

As I say there was a huge amount of this, I mean literally thousands!

Anyone have any ideas what this could be I am quite worried for the fish

What kind of filter do you have? You should get a filter that moves the water, like a hang on filter that flows water out back into the tank. It could be stagnant water... stuff. That happens to me sometimes, although it sounds like you have a lot of it. I'm not quite sure what it could be, but I'd get an airstone or something that makes bubbles and currents to move it around. It should decimate it. :) At least, if it's what I think it is. See, I have this little breeder net that gets white stuff on the top because there are no currents and makes it stagnant. It goes away under a current.
I can't net it out as it is too fine and goes through the net

I will try with the airstone and see what happens.


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