I know where you live
The carp and goldies have to go. The guy guppies are more color full the girl guppies arnt. The girls have a anal fin( were they use the bathrooom) that sicks straight toward the ground. The guys anal fin is longer and is up against his body( or you can call his anal fin his " thing"). They are livebearers and so are mollies, swordtails, and platies. That means that the mom has live babies, instead of eggs. The " makes love" with her and 21-24 days later they have there babies. They will eat there babies and can have 1-126 babies. They will not eat for 3 days then they will eat because they have to consume there egg sacks. You really should consider a 20 gallon. And if you do you can try Kribensis Cichlids. They are one of the pretties fish I have ever seen and can live ten years. You want your tank at about 79 degrees. Tell me what color of fish you want and I can help you out with how big they get, size of tank they need, and water temp, and agression, and just about everything else that you want to know.