Help Need To Remove Agressive Fish Asap!


New Member
May 23, 2007
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Northern Ireland
Hi Guys
just need some pretty urgent advice from anyone regarding removing fish from my tank.

Up until Sunday, I had 4 Platies, 2 Honey Gouramis, 12 Neon Tetras and 6 Black Phantom tetras.
I added a shoal of ten Serpea tetras to my tank. (They are also known as Blood Characins).
Since they have been added they have been majorly nipping the fins of the other fish.
I really need to remove them and the fish shop I bought them from will take them back.

I tried to remove them today but had no success.
I have a 190 litre tank, a Juwel Trigon 190. With all the plants and the size of the tank it was near on impossible as they kept getting away.

What should I do?
Should I siphon off half the water remove the plants and then try. If I do this can I afford to get rid of the water I siphon off and replace with new water. Would the remaining fish cope with this?

Thanks in advance!
Remove plants and ornaments as much stuff as you can get out.
I tend to try and trap the fish in a corner find it easy to catch them, also some use two nets, but I just use a meduim sized net.
Exactly what Wilder said.

Except I use 2 nets, with the one I "scoot" the fish along with being very small for agility and the other net as big as possible. The trick is to not move the large net or as little as possible and move the smaller net and have them keep their eye on that one.

I used to get so frustrated trying to scoop fish until I tried that. Also, even if they make it past your bigger net, don't make sudden movements with it or they'll be afraid of that net too which makes it all the harder.
Wow - same happened to me :) I feel better now. I bought 8 of the little critters, and catching them is a mare.
2 nets exactly as gatorbait said. One to shoooo them along into a corner, they do tend to tire out after a bit, so it gets easier. I didnt remove all my plants, I have 18 plants in a 220ltr tank (4ft). Keep trying you will get them.

Its a shame as they are a lovely looking fish. Usually in a group of 6 or more they tend to be OK, but I suppose they are all different.
invest in a bigger net and then chase them into that net with a smaller one....they dont realise the bigger net is coming as it wont upset the water current around them as much
Thanks very much for the advice guys.
I think I will need to remove the Serpea tetras this week before they totally decimate the other fishes.
I normally research fish I add thoroughly but I slipped up this time and it's been costly.
At least I won't make the same mistake again! :)

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