I Bought a panda cory the other day. Actually 4 of them. tonight one all the sudden seemed to give up the ghost. it was laying on the bottom of the tank and I noticed a red blotch seemed to be internal to its central tail region. So I quarantined him off. Then I noticed about an hour later what looked like blood inside near his gils and brain region but it was internal to the fish. he went from swimming around to dead in about 3 hours. What could have caused this?
PH 7.2
NH3/4 0
NO2 0
NO3 ~60ppm
temp 79f
could this be contagious.
Also could he have simply had to work too hard to get around in the tank? I've got kinda strong currents in this tank(result of fluval 304 and 2 301 powerheads)
The cory was about 3/4 - 1" long
Should I be worried?
PH 7.2
NH3/4 0
NO2 0
NO3 ~60ppm
temp 79f
could this be contagious.
Also could he have simply had to work too hard to get around in the tank? I've got kinda strong currents in this tank(result of fluval 304 and 2 301 powerheads)
The cory was about 3/4 - 1" long
Should I be worried?